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Re: Home Internet, slow speed
llamas wrote: You can play around with all of the above and I doubt it will resolve your problem. I have had the internet service for 24 months and the cell tower I connect is 1 mile and 4G only. I have complained about slow speeds for over 12 months, speed as low as POINT 03 mbps that is .03. I have spent count less hours with all levels of support with no satisfactory results. Tech support really does not understand the logic of the system and only read what is on there screen. They also ask you to do things that will set you back (such as press the reset button) hours getting the system back to where the system is usable. Tech support will open a ticket with engineering and engineering say “no plans to upgrade the tower” or there is no problem. You can not escalate the problem beyond that point. From my view point there are 3 options. 1} Create enough negative publicity to have T Mobile acknowledge and fix the problem 2} have government agency that regulates FCC be involved 3) a class action lawsuit is started and that gets T Mobile’s attention (this is not a quick solution and I need the internet service I have no other options.} Best answer yet. I was getting one 100 Mbps the first few months, now it's been 1.5 for 4 weeks. Web pages even buffer. 3 times with support on the phone with no increase in speed. They say it's a tower issue, but when I disconnect the WiFi, my TMobile 5g phone gets 35 Mbps, so I know it's not a tower issue. They must be throttling the gateway.50Views1like0Comments