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External Antenna Makes Massive Difference For Me!!!
Ok I decided to see what an external antenna would do and wow. I got the kit from Waveform as it’s an ok price and reputable money back company. So I have an n41 tower 3 miles to the SW, a B66 .5 miles to the W, and a n71 2 miles to the NW. If I put the can in the NW window it get the B66 ok and never holds the n71 for long. If I put the can in the S window it just does not hold the n41 or the B66. So I have been living with the can in the NW window with the B66 and 75/25 average and solid for days on end slow and steady. I wanted the n41 tower as my test show it rock on my phone so I figured let’s see if an ext ant can do anything. So remember can in S window cannot get the B66 to the W and also n41 is to weak. Open up can, remove 3 and 4, snap on new leads, put can back together, hook up ext ant that is just outside window aimed right at the n41 tower. Time to rock great signal and 650/110 speeds. So not that bars matter but in the NW window B66 was 3 bars almost -100dBm with SNR of 10db so ok but not great. Now in the S window where I had nothing really of used mounting the ant just outside I have that B66 at -76dBm but SNR is 7db 4 bars speed is good. Also that n41 comes in at 4 bars and wow -81dBm with an SNR of 7db so ok. So huge improvement in signal strength and overall quality slight degradation in SNR but bigger ant picks up more of what you don't want too. They say you will get 9db improvement I have more so I am happy. I mean the b66 improved over 24db and I am not even pointing the ant at that tower. Also if I could get the n41 it was -107db nowwow that is at -81db so again same massive gain in power. The cable they give you is huge 30ft and as thick as your pinky. If this works out for several days I think I need to order a shorter cable as this is to much in my case I need like 3-5 ft max. As you see for testing I have the cable run thru the window with duct tape holding the gap. Again I don't want to go drilling holes until I decide this is good for several days and I am keeping this setup. Plus maybe since my run is so short I can go with a thinner cable and way shorter. Again only time will tell if this setup hold for several days solid but initial results are looking good.18KViews5likes35CommentsRe: Cannot get a secondary signal
I live in a Ultra 5G coverage area map clearly shows my house is covered. I can put the can in a few places where I get n41 or n71 it last for seconds or minutes andgone. When I have the n41 download is 500+ but again for short time and gone. 99% of the time I am on the B66 and no secondary at all with download 60-70 ish latey. I really don't get it as our phones can hold the higher speed bands even in the home.35Views4likes0CommentsRe: Changing wifi username and password
mfarrow47 wrote: If you unplug your gateway from the wall outlet it will automatically go back to the default settings on bottom of gateway. Remember,if you ever unplug it or the power goes off even with the battery in it, it will still go back to default settings. So if you change your wifi password to like myhomeaddressbackwards when it is unplugged it will go back to default eg.acdb345cd and you will have to change it back to the new password that you wanted. This is totally FALSE. If you unplug or power off the gateway nothing is lost it comes up the same with same SSID’s you set same passwords. If mfarrow47 is losing programming they should call support to have their gateway replaced.49Views4likes0CommentsRe: Internet Gateway DHCP/DNS Address Settings
The gateway has very limited options. As for DNS you can change that on your devices and yes since you cannot change it on the gateway you have to change it on all the devices. I amsure if they wanted to expose the setting they could but seems they have opted for a very limited array of settings. As for changing the DHCP your only options that I know of is to install another router that lets you make the change and then you are stuck with double NAT but it is what it is. Again not sure why they opted for so little options maybe to keep it simple during roll out. Some of the limites are due to IPV6 and that is coming to everyone but they seem to have opted in early.148Views4likes0CommentsRe: 5G Home Internet T-Mobile Gateway needs to be fixed. There are too many internet disconnections.
As noted this is new service and it’s not perfect and sometimes new cutting edge tech is not for everyone as it has issues sometimes. I am normally an early adopter so I am use to issues new FW, this or that, bla bla bla issues. I have done way more than the average person should ever do to get this can stable. If this was a perfect world we would just put itwhere we want power up connect and done. Ain't so. I started out thinking if my phone gets good speed can should too, hmm not really what happens. I spent hours mapping out my whole home with my cell before the can arrived found the perfect spot. I ran wires made a shelf real nice stuff. Installed the can and crawling speeds sometimes good then again craw what the heck. Tossed all that work and started testing with the can and more mapping find a good spot think all is well and hours or days later blam craw WTF. There is no good online source for towers Cellmapper is so far out of date and off it’s next to useless at least in my area. At best it will send you on a wild goose chase for towers that are not anywhere near where shown. So I use my cell and start manually mapping a 4 mile radius of my home. What I discovered is at least in my area the T-Mobile 4G and 5G towers are not in the same location. So issue is if the can is located where the 5G signal is best guess what the 4G sucks. Yup the flip is true if the can is located where the 4G is good the 5G sucks. That’s the issue I discovered with the can. The can wants 5G but falls back to 4G. Also for my case the 5G tower is 2 times as far as the 4G tower. So if I locate my can where the 5G is good and it decides to fall back to 4G my can craws and does not recover but when it works speeds are great 500+ down for hours, half a day at best. But if I locate my can where the 4G is best it stays online for weeks really it never drops unless I power off or reboot it. But speeds are not so great 75ish down at best 25ish up sometimes later afternoon slower. Now when I first boot it it will grab the 5G but soon drop it and hang on to that 4G with a tight grip. So seems the 75 ish handles 2 work from home zoom calls and mother in law streaming Netflix so I have just settled that 75 has to be good enough for now as I just can’t go back to Comcast and the BS deals. So if you are dropping and you want to keep the can some investigation may land you on a more solid connection. In my case it did as I first started out thinking the fastest speed was the best location when in fact it was not at least for reliability. Again you have to do your own investigation the online cell tower maps are useless. Based on what I have discovered on current can design the most reliable spot if you are having issues is where the 4G is the best (not 5G) as it will at some point fall back to 4G.35Views4likes0CommentsRe: 5G Home Internet T-Mobile Gateway needs to be fixed. There are too many internet disconnections.
My advice is watch what you wish for. My original can was clearly new I got good speeds no issues. They pushed FW to it one night and it got stuck in a boot loop. Replacement unit was clearly used and did not work it said RF failure. Next replacement unit again clear it was used worked but has never seen the speeds of the first unit. Worse is all this shipping took a week and a half so I was down for over a week waiting on replacements. Current unit is what I would call slow but steady. It gets 75 ish down 20 ish up and knock on wood just stays up days and days with no interuptions. Now funny my home a few weeks ago and when I ordered months ago was listed as a Ultra 5G covered area. Now I noticed just this week that only my home is now listed as Extended 5G while all my neighbors are Ultra 5G. Now my can just does not hold a 5G signal so maybe they keeps stats and update the map based on customers results. When I boot my unit it will get B66 and n71 speeds will be same 75ish so it’s clear the can is not using the 5G. After a few hours the 5G will just go away and all I have is the primary B66 and there is where it will stay for days and days. So even though I am a half mile from the tower and 2 miles from a n41 that my phone gets no issue my can neversees them. I am sure the first can did as first can had downloads in the 500+ range. I just don't want to rock the boat as what I have works and my wife and me can work from home all day no interruptions while mother in law streams Netflix all day. Am I tempted to complain for a new can in hopes I can get back my 500+ yes but not sure I want to take the chance on getting a crap unit. Other thing is I see cans for sale on ebay and other sites I wonder if they are ok to buy as I did not think TM sold them for ppl to even be selling them. I did see one for $40 I was tempted to grab it for testing.44Views4likes0CommentsRe: I was skeptical, but a fan does seem to help
Ok so my 80mm fan came and I went a bit farther. I do like the 80 as it fits better but I decided to modify it to fit inside. I basically took off the 4 rubber feet, cut the corners off and put the fan up inside the cans bottom. All I can say is wow wow the hot air all comes out and becomes cool this setup really works. With this setup you can actually feel the aircoming out the top that never happen with the 120mm fan on any speed.36Views3likes0CommentsRe: speeds
Phone app is a bit limited go to192.168.12.1 on your computer web browser. First page expand Primary and secondary internet connection signal all that info is needed screen shot ok too. Then on the left click Status and again expandPrimary and secondary cellular network again all that data or screenshot. This is not really a take out of box plug in and put it anywhere and it works for everyone. Example does your cell phone work the same in every spot/everywhere? No it does not some spots are better some are worse some are terrible. So like any radio device you have to find a good spot. I may take you some work to find the right spot if that’s not your game maybe this is not for you. I am just trying to help you so you can find a good spot and then you get good speeds. I now get at least 650 down most of the time 150 up I pay 1/3 of the price I paid Comcast I also have not data cap. As I said in another post last month I did some moving of pictures to cloud storage used over 2TB of data if I was with Comcast that would have put me over my data cap and cost me an additional $200. So for me it was worth investing some time to find out what I needed to know to get it working well. But yes this is not like say cable that has yes a cable so it works (well most of the time with Comcast)it uses a wireless signal and you have to find a good spot to receive that signal. Again think of it like your cell phone it does not work perfect in every single spot everywhere. I am just trying to help you out if that’s what you are interested in.24Views3likes0CommentsRe: Home Internet Issues/Rant
@whois101 Agreed it’s more like we are Beta testers as I don't think the logic in the gateway is fully baked yet and IMO they need more user feedback imput to get things improved before prime time. Seems the farther 5G tower from me got a huge upgrade test with my phone are looking good 650 down and 100 up. Issue I have is this tower is 3 miles to the SW and I only get those speeds in one window. So it’s like a sweet spot for that tower but issue is I cannot get the 4G tower reliable from that window so if the 5G drops I am dead no fall back to 4G. This is the reason I ordered the outside ant I can place it outside that window aim it between the SW 5G and the W 4G and testing with phone shows promise. Currently the can is in a W window where it sees the W 4G tower very well and stays locked like a rock on it. But from there it cannot see the 5G to the SW or the closer 2 miles away 5G tower to the NW. Also the 5G to the NW has not been upgraded so max speeds near the tower are just over 200. My best hope is to be able to get onto the SW upgraded 5G tower with the W 4G tower as the prime but seems I will need an outside ant to get into a position to do this. Also hoping for a 10db gain from the ext ant so that will put me -90 for both towers. I have not moved my can to the S window because the fast 5G signal disappears at times. I found out that is from the tower upgrade that is still not scheduled to be completed for 2 more weeks. But I really do feel like a Beta tester but I am paying full price for the privilege. I feel TM should pick some users as tester this would improve the product we could test new FW and give feedback.28Views3likes0Comments