5 TopicsDoes the T-mobile IOS app work for other people?
Does the T-mobile IOS app work for other people? I’ve got an iPhone 13, running IOS 16.5.1, and the latest T-mobile IOS app, and I can’t log into the app to manage my account. First off, it won’t let me paste my password from my password manager, and when I attempt to paste the password in, the app won’t let me type it in manually, either. Sometimes, the app crashes at this point. I’ve tried deleting the app and its data, reset my phone via <Vol Up><Vol Down><Power> until it reboots, and then re-installing the app. I’ve also tried telling the app that my email address is ‘Not Me’. It’s also not making any attempt at two factor authentication! I can log into the T-mobile web site on my computer just fine. Chris232Views1like4Comments