Forum Discussion
No More Standalone Plans for Galaxy Wearable
Well, I found a work around to get the 7 to work. I had them pair using DIGIT the watch to my other son’s Samsung phone. Then after pairing I waited two hours, just to make sure all the processing had completed, then I called back and had them unpair the watch from the phone and add to a standalone plan and it worked. Initially they kept changing the plans to the IMEI number of the watch and it would never connect to TMobile network. I was getting 926 and 909 errors. I needed it to connect in order to obtain an ICCID number for the watch. By adding the watch to the phone, with DIGIT, it enabled the watch to obtain a ICCID, now it has established a connection to Tmobile network. Once that was done it was easy to add to standalone plan.
- Have it setup with DIGIT if you have a extra phone with no watch on it or you can swap back afterwards.
- Call back and have them move it to a standalone plan.
This took 30 mins. 20 mins was explaining to the rep on what to do and get them to understand. Obviously there is a glitch in T-mobile network setup and misinformation on 2018 or older or no more standalone plans support only for Apple “Blah”.
Hope this helps
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