Forum Discussion
Voicemail just... gone?
Ever since June or earlier my voice mail box has been missing. I don’t mean deactivated or inactive, the voicemail box just doesn’t exist anymore. It worked fine for 6+ years but ever since T-Mobile and Sprint (i think) merged my box is just gone. Calling support and troubleshooting the problem a couple of times did not help. Anyone else have the same problem and have a solution?
call in to TMO or contact them through one of their social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter (recommended) and have them remove it from your account then re add it back on.
- fireguy_6364Modem Master
call in to TMO or contact them through one of their social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter (recommended) and have them remove it from your account then re add it back on.
- Jixxa20xxNetwork Novice
Sorry, to be clear, the actual voicemail box and voicemail answering service are gone. No one can leave me a voicemail, and when I dial the system (ie my own number or holding down 1 when calling) there is no record of me having voicemail activated even though I had it for years.
- fireguy_6364Modem Master
the VM app itself or the call in VM?
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