Forum Discussion
iphone 14 text messages with attachments fail to send to non-iphone, non T-Mobile phones
Hi Oceanview,
It turns out that the VPN I use on the iPhone was the culprit. This was discovered when the T-Mobile sales rep and I were discussing potential workarounds (this was on the 3rd visit to the store after multiple marathon TS sessions by phone with both Apple and T-Mobile). When I turned off the VPN, all texts and attachments went through. I still have occasional “fail to send” issues, but after working with the VPN provider (ExpressVPN), who updated their software to account for this issue, the problem was much improved.
Looking back, both Apple and T-Mobile tech support tried hard to solve the problem, but as neither even asked if I had a VPN installed, it was never considered in the problem solving sessions. Since both companies have a checklist of things to ask/do, it would be useful for them to add “Do you use a VPN?” And “Which VPN?”
Good luck on solving your problem!
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