Forum Discussion
No Android 12 Update for S21 Ultra
Purchased S21 ultra from Best Buy as device upgrade for Tmobile line about 5 days ago. Device itself is Tmobile (verified by tmobile and their Samsung support). Problem is that it doesn't seem to be getting any update from Tmobile's servers. Contacted TM and they transferred to their Samsung support. Samsung support blamed tmobile and stated its their responsibility to push the update. Tmobile said to wait for 48-72 hours. Been waiting for a while now and no Android 12 update. I could update the firmware on my own using third party solutions but I shouldn't have to as there's risk involved with that. My return period from Best Buy will end soon. Need to figure out if this device will get the update or not. My S21 was on Android 12 for almost a month until I traded it in. Another family member has S21 Ultra and their device is also running 12. Need this figured out fast as my return period is ending soon.
- syaoranTransmission Titan
Samsung pushes updates in small batches at first to make sure no major bugs affect all of their devices. After a few weeks of staggered rollout, it should then be available for all devices unless a critical issue is found.
- tmbsritNetwork Novice
Why are some.phones getting and some not? Same model i.e. s21 ultra through the same carrier , tmob?!! I haven't got the update yet.
Snd why is there a confusion ? TMobile says it's complete for s21 series. "When it's ready you will get a notification. " Is this causing ambiguity and should t mobile officially clear the confusion?!!
Does it matter where the phone is purchased ? As long as it's a TMobile activated at onset !!?
- Sunilp4747Network Novice
- syaoranTransmission Titan
VsP wrote:
@Sunilp4747 On XDA thread, people are saying Samsung is the one that paused the Android 12 updates on devices due to quality issues. I'm not sure if I completely belive that because T-mobile is the final distributor of the Software before it reaches the consumer. T-mobile customer support is clueless. They tried to bring in Samsung support on call and even these "tech experts" from Samsung seem to be in the same confused boat as T-mobile employees. I honestly don't expect anybody to be able to help out at this point. Either wait it out or return/replace at the store where you bought the phone at.
Actually, XDA is correct. It’s Samsung. Why so many of you still believe that the carrier plays a roll in not only creating updates, but also pushing them, really goes to show how much education the consumer needs with how this whole process of updates work.
- VsPNetwork Novice
@Sunilp4747 On XDA thread, people are saying Samsung is the one that paused the Android 12 updates on devices due to quality issues. I'm not sure if I completely belive that because T-mobile is the final distributor of the Software before it reaches the consumer. T-mobile customer support is clueless. They tried to bring in Samsung support on call and even these "tech experts" from Samsung seem to be in the same confused boat as T-mobile employees. I honestly don't expect anybody to be able to help out at this point. Either wait it out or return/replace at the store where you bought the phone at.
- Sunilp4747Network Novice
I am in the same boat. Please let me know if you can resolve it. It's frustrating, I thought I was alone.
I even exchanged by phone but it didn't work. Still stuck with Android 11. Don't know what's going on with t-mobile best buy models.
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