Forum Discussion
Native Messenger 1MB text limitations
- 8 years ago
Thanks for giving those steps that Marissa recommended a shot. From doing some digging, at this time, there is no way to have the native messaging app auto-compress files before sending. The best recommendation would be to utilize a 3rd party app such as the one you mentioned above.
Actually, , , , Here it is, the end of 2021, blazing fast 5G, T Mobiles outrageous prices, bad azz phones, and T Mobile STILL limits MMS to ONE mg (sending, 3mg receive. Those 10 and 100mg limits ppl ate talking about - like 3 yrs ago - are for email and other type shares. NOT SMS/MMS. And just to clarify - Google made it clear years ago that it wasn't practical for them to inbuild a proper SMS/MMS service when providers have the ability and resources to make there own - and insist on bloating Android apps anyway. Most providers have put no real effort into modifying the basic android messenger, likely believing (or hoping) that 5G speeds would see texting replaced by video chat/messaging (like Marco Polo?). Not going to happen - we love to text, and half of us hate cameras. I havent used a "stock" Android messenger for 10 years or more, but I remember that Verizon had the best variant, but I hated Verizon for what they did to Primeco - so Ive always used Mood Messenger. Its the best Ive ever seen, totally customisable down to tiny details, every conversation different, any BG, colors, shapes, fonts you want. Works on all devices, so I get all my messages, pics and customisations on my Android phone, my ipad, my Chromebook, and they just released, (or are about to [I cant remember])the Windows version - perfect for Win 11 (though my Asus app shows my phone on my laptop anyway). Has a fun "Party mode" to stop you from drunk texting, message received/read notifications. Coolest, most customisable messenger on Android or iOS - for free. Set as default and delete any Google, Apple, or provider supplied messenger. Only ever had one problem - sending MMS from OLD outdated ipad2, but excellent customer service walked me through the settings and fixed in 2 min. From what I remember, it does it all for free, but for reasons I dont remember (other than I love it so much), I pay for Premium. Its only $5 a YEAR, and all my messages, pics, everything, from every device Ive used in the last 10 years is saved and backed up. Get a new phone, DL the app and all my messages, pics, contacts, settings, everything is already there. But, yes - your provider sets MMS limits. And TMobile is still stuck on 1mg/3mg - even when you pay $100 a month for unlimited plans. BUT, in Mood Messengers settings, if you set your MMS size limit to 4mg (or no limit), Mood will automatically compress the file to send it, then the receivers provider (or messenger) will shrink it to their receiving limit (3mg for TMobile). Not sure if that 4mg setting works with other providers, I got that from TMobile CS after telling them that I use Mood. Anyway - this was way too long. Google/Android will never fix their basic messaging app. Providers arent interested , they think we'll grow out of txting. Unless Apple does something magical, 3rd party is the only way. Ive used every app I could find and nothing compares to Mood. Even if I have to pay - its $5 a YEAR.
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