Forum Discussion
"LG IMS keeps stopping"
- 3 years ago
ok, just used the following suggestion:
SocialCatastrophe wrote:
Go to settings → Apps/notifications -> app info -> three dots -> Show System -> com-lge-ims-rcsprovider -> storage
Force stop and clear data.
This has fixed the issue for my mother’s v20. At least for now…
At least it took away the 3 second pop up notice. However, I did shut down & restart and the messaged started popping up again. So I redid the above directions and the annoying pop up message has stopped,
I’m giving T-Mobile until the first part of next week (I doubt they even read our postings) and then I am going to look into switching to Verizon. I’ve been with T-Mobile 23 years and hate to leave but this is ridiculous. 2 LG phones on Verizon and no problem. Talked with a friend this afternoon with LG phone on AT&T and he hasn’t had a problem. I have 2 LG phone purchased from and on T-Mobile and they are both screwed up. Support says it’s a LG problem….that’s a load of garbage. They can fix it or lose customers. The stupid pop up on my phone goes off about every time I touch the phone now.