Forum Discussion
"LG IMS keeps stopping"
- 3 years ago
ok, just used the following suggestion:
SocialCatastrophe wrote:
Go to settings → Apps/notifications -> app info -> three dots -> Show System -> com-lge-ims-rcsprovider -> storage
Force stop and clear data.
This has fixed the issue for my mother’s v20. At least for now…
At least it took away the 3 second pop up notice. However, I did shut down & restart and the messaged started popping up again. So I redid the above directions and the annoying pop up message has stopped,
Garbagephone wrote:Tmobile is the problem. Once this is fixed. Run.
Then I suggest you run getting all tech. Glitches happen. I have had very very VERY few problems with T-Mobile in the 18 years I've had them. Hubby has had multiple problems with his carrier and is switching to T-Mobile.
If you don't like them, get off their forums.