Forum Discussion
Why is T-mobile charging for WhatsApp international video calls?
- 3 years ago
Oh! So the problem is WhatsApp and it does not happen with similar apps, wright? Nope, it’s wrong. It happens with Apple FaceTime also. Look at the complaints, see the attachments. And if this problem really happens because of the apps, what I doubt, WHY DON’T T-MOIBLE ADVERTISE A SOLUTION FOR THIS ISSUE AND STOP CHARGING CUSTOMERS THAT FREQUENTLY CALL ABROAD USING WHATSAPP VIDEO OR I-PHONE FACETIME?
Well…it happened again! Even if it is not T-Mobile’s fault, they should at least send the customer a text telling there will be a charge for international calls, but they don’t. Other junk texts they send all the time: evaluation after customer service calls, special promotions, etc. So, after 15 years, I’m dropping T-Mobile for good. And guess what; Verizon, the best company out there, is cheaper now. They pay $800 on your cell phone when you trade it in and they have a program for calls to other Countries, what I’m getting, so they can never charge me for international calls. And even after adding that, still cheaper than T-Mobile. Good bye T-mobile!!!
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