Forum Discussion
Payment from Savings Account OK?
Can I auto-pay my monthly T-Mobile bill from my bank savings account?
The T-Mobile policy states that either a bank checking or savings is acceptable. However, while I was able to successfully setup my savings account for payment, T-Mobile could not withdraw my bill from my savings account.
After encountering T-Mobile late fees and losing my auto-pay discount, I successfully setup my checking account for payment and was able to make a payment.
I use my savings account to successfully make payment to other vendors and I have spoken with my bank to ensure that they haven’t recently implemented additional security procedures and they have not.
Spoke with T-Mobile customer service and explained my experience. They said they’d dig into what was causing the issue further and would get back to me later that day or the next. I haven’t heard from them and really don’t expect to.
Is this issue particular to me or are there others who have experience the same? If no resolution, I’ll simply need to direct my payment to be withdrawn from checking account.
- baxtersfriendNetwork Novice
Yes. Chk acct number is different than savings acct number. Chk acct is 8 digits & sav acct is 12 digits.
As I mentioned, I have this working fine with other retailers but T-Mobile seems to have a problem with this.
- gramps28Router Royalty
Does your savings account have a different account number? That's how I had my life insurance set up.
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