Forum Discussion

magenta2524758's avatar
Network Novice
7 years ago

Bill Statement

I need the most recent bill statement to be print in my computer. Thanks
  • magentatechie's avatar
    7 years ago

    It's easy peasy lemon squeezy! 😀 Log in to>billing (from the selections at the top)>in a box about on the halfway point on the page you'll see Detailed Bill or Summary Bill, just pick which one you'd like to download> Look in the lower left hand corner of your browser page and you should see the downloaded file (usually "pastbills.pdf"), click the upward arrow to open


    EDIT: 3/5/2021: Hey, if anyone is still having this issue, please note that the instructions have changed from my previous post.  Now when you sign in, you will click Bill & Pay (from the website) or tap Bill (from the app) then scroll down until you see “Bill Total,” below that you will see a button that says “Download PDF”.  Once you press the button, you will be given the option to view Detailed or Summary.