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Re: t mobile now
absolute garbage. i’m a customer from before they even went “uncarrier” and i’m absolutely appalled at the drop in quality of customer service AND cell service. i spent 4-5 hours the past two days trying to reach US based support while just getting thrown around to different filipino that had no interest in helping me with complex data privacy/retention issues. they just lie about where they are based, and finally i was told they could not connect me to US based support. you can tell if you are in the outsourced support queue because the music is horrible quality and you don’t hear the “guy” spouting his lines about them being the best every 10 seconds. service was bad before sprint, and at this point they are outright lying to customers. no cell/gps service 20 minutes outside of major metros is a joke and they deserve the fallout from this. lastly their employees aren’t trained well at all. i finally got to a supervisor in Charleston, SC and she had no clue about their data privacy/retention policies. just search for “delete tmobile data” and you can see they have a whole process to do it. she argued that “my data is safe with them” and “they need to keep it for history” when i said i wanted it gone after i move to another carrier in a few days. absolutely clueless across the board. what a MESS this company has become. jump ship NOW and request they delete you data AND ensure you opt out of the sneaky advertising policies they added recently. any company making that type of stuff OPT OUT with no notification is the scum of the earth. i received no notification they changed their policy.20Views3likes0Comments