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Digital Touch Tone vs. Touch Tone
Technology can improve our daily lives and can also complicate them. Going forward at times, can result in going backwards. "If it isn't broke, leave it alone". Touch tone Old technology has a preprogrammed "tone" established, allowing a connection to be heard and passed through with correct information. Newer technology uses thousands of tones associated with 0-9 computer screen connections. " if you would like to receive this call pres 1", by pressing 1, this tone must connect with the exact receiving tone as the outgoing tone. If the tones do not exactly match, you may find yourself pressing "Beethoven" vs "Motzart". Your call will not connect if your note does not match the receiving note. How do companies address this issue? After several agents pass the buck, hang up on you and you finally manage an agent without preprogrammed bot mentality, you will discover a claim to their technicians will be processed for further review. Usually a 3 day or week process. A kind agent will brief you upon this expected length, though technically this is a breech in policy, some agents are actually still bread with human decency. A history of incomming lines will be viewed for their tone matching capabilities to rule out whose playing b flat. Once identified a tune up follows. However as with all instruments, those musicians know nothing ever stays perfectly in tune. Going forward can at times mean, your really better off sometimes with one octave than with multiple octaves, as there are less variables of your touch tone being unable to play the exact reciprocating frequencies needed to simply....connect calls. Life is a balance of machine and mankind. Machines are only as good as they are programmed. A good company will never put policy over their paying customers. A company is only as good as its character, not of its policies. Policies are fluid rules needing to bend with the tide of current needs. A company unwilling to address their outdated or unacceptable policies, will find their "product" will never support their character. But quality of Character will always support a product.181Views0likes1Comment