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Re: Price Lock
It seems T-Mobile’s tactic is to take us all around and around in circles, hoping to frustrate us into either giving up or moving to another mobile service. If they have (at least) half a brain, management must surely know that people will walk, and they are perfectly willing to let that happen. However ………………. We are all dealing with a matter of principle, which simply put is ….. you made a bargain with us, your alleged “valued customers”, and from what I’m reading we all kept our part of the bargain, but T-Mobile feels they can just walk away from that bargain, even worse to deny to our faces that we ever had a bargain, assuming we their valued customers (Magenta = Senior Citizens) are senile, delusional, naive, gullible, and certainly stupid. I absolutely believe this because I personally have been involved in many banking mergers and sat around management’s planning table discussing customer impacts on merger related issues which certainly include pricing impacts/changes. Strategy always included rules that made sure customers should not feel the impact (pain) of merger or industry relate changes, because our original promise was our word and that word was sacred, superseding profit or share holder value. That my friends is the very principle T-Mobile has chosen to violate. This violation of principle should now be reflected in their brand, which ultimately impacts profit and share holder value. T-Mobile’s management must have forgotten (or ignored) what happened with the Budweiser beer debacle that so negatively impacted the Anheuser Bush brand (link to an interesting retrospect article) People – we have the purse so we have the power, and speaking proudly as a member of our Magenta 55+ family we need to fight for our principles, and simply put is “your word is your bond”, and that is not just a catch phrase or marketing ploy. As a next step for me, I’m filing a complaint with the BBB, communicating with my personal family members about this issue asking them to also spread the word to friends, and I have a T-Mobile store front in my neighborhood (where I opened the mobile account) that I will be visiting to have face-to-face conversation with the staff. While I’m always civil, I’ll certainly be using a tone that other customers in the store will hear. Keep fighting for the principle at hand.15Views3likes0CommentsRe: Price Lock
I’m sure T-Mobile’s reasons are all based on making more money, however the issue people in this community forum are upset with is T-Mobile breaking a promise they made to us, and that is simply wrong. Most companies that discontinue a product (for what ever reason) will grandfather customers, or offer them a comparable product at the same or reduced cost to reward their patronage. With out overstating this situation, T-Mobile has clearly lost their integrity by violating their promise to us, and that’s just wrong at so many levels. They made a conscious decision to tell Senior Citizens (Magenta 55+ customers) tough luck, get lost, and don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Everyone impacted should fight back by Filing formal complaints (BBB, FCC FTC).13Views4likes0CommentsRe: Price Lock
Thanks for the information. I did not receive any kind of response from the FCC, so it seems I’ll need to file another complaint. lately I’ve witness enough injustices so I will not let this matter go without a fight. Lets work together and not let T-Mobile get away with this. As suggested above, lets also file a complaint to my State Consumer Affairs Agency. This specifically and directly impacts senior citizens so perhaps a public news station will be willing to be a voice for us.15Views2likes0CommentsRe: To Fix What's Broken, or.....Not.
I was talking to others about the recent price increase to T Mobiles price increase vilating their promise to not do that. After a few chats i appears T Mobile in’t like the discussion and to stop it they closed the chat. T Mobile has sunk to a new and even deeper low. I files a complaint with the FCC and will be doing the same with the FC and now the Public Service Commision rickp has responded in magenta unlimited 55 prince increase65Views0likes0CommentsRe: Price Lock
Good for you (us) because the more people that call out this scam the better!!! I’ll look into the FTC as well, thanks for that tip. Just an FYI, talking with my brother he told me that he experience some problems with Verizon so he switched to a company called Visible, he said its $25 a month, unlimited data, text, phone, and was available nation wide. I have no experience with Visible so I can’ recommend them, but I’m going to look into them as an alternative. Regards15Views2likes0CommentsRe: Price Lock
Like so many others I just received a text notice of a June $5 increase. At first I thought it was just me, recalling my Magenta Unlimited 55 plan (opened 2021) had a rate lock guarantee, for at least for 10 years. Thinking that must be an over sight in T Mobile account records I contacted T Mobile’s Customer Support (@ 5/26/24, 4:21PM) and explained to a very nice Service Representative (named Patience) that I was promised a rate lock and not subject to rate increases. The Representative said she has been with T Mobile for 7 years and was not even aware T Mobile ever offered such a rate lock guarantee. We went around in circles for almost an hour, so I asked to speak with a supervisor, who's name is George. George tried very diplomatically using word-salad to tell me that basically I had no such guarantee, and that even if I did, it was T Mobile’s prerogative to change its mind, so there was nothing he could or would do for me. Realizing I was wasting my time talking with George, that is was very likely T Mobile’s management position was to make the rate increase to senior citizens regardless of what they promised and/or the consequences, basically “let them walk”, they’re old, after all how long are they going to live – Ouch! George ended the conversation by saying thanks for contacting T Mobile, was there anything else he could help me with today, I laughed out loud. Now over the years I have had promises made to me before and broken, but honestly none so blatant as this. Given my documentation, and that so many other customers are making the same claim, and voicing similar concerns, I feel its necessary to right this injustice and take actions against T Mobile, and file a complaint with the FCC. It goes without saying I’ll find an alternative mobile service provider (I wont do business with liars) but I’m not leaving until T Mobile acknowledges they broke their promise to me/us and will change course on their actions. If you were impacted then please participate and take action. I’ll end this post by saying its not the $5 its the principle.