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Re: Visual Voicemail is a fail
Ok, let's look at a couple of facts. 1. snn555 gives a work around, which is technically correct, but does not address the complaint I have, which is Visual Voicemail, a product published by or through T-Mobile isn't working. 2. Amanda...There are dozens, and I mean dozens of one-star reviews and complaints about VVM on the Google Play store. If one will look at the dates on those they will find that in the past couple of months the product has completely broken. TODAY--just today (August 5, 2019) there have been 17 one-star reviews and 3 two-stars. The facts show my complaint is not an isolated issue. So, to more or less imply that a "simple change" has been such a pain is to ignore the facts (and sounds very patronizing). And no, I will not do a backup and master reset. My phone, an S-7 is up to date on all Android and a brief look at the Play Store reveals I have no pending updates from T-Mobile. Others have tried resetting and have not been successful, so there's no point in wasting my time. I would encourage you to run a Google search on Visual Voicemail and also go to the Play store. Maybe the realization that this is a widespread problem will change your perspective.40Views2likes0CommentsVisual Voicemail is a fail
For weeks Visual Voicemail has been just about worthless. Constant "try again in couple of hours" or "greeting not changed" or "unable to sync" messages. Meanwhile, in the Play store the app is getting one-star reviews and complaints by the buckets. I have a business plan with four phones and can't change greetings. If you don't get this fixed soon we're going to start talking about compensation.Solved7.9KViews2likes15Comments