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MagicJack GO w/Nokia 5G21-12W-A Home Internet Gray Tower as of Jan-2022
ALL Incoming Calls are OK w/2-way Audio: PROBLEM is Outgoing Calls have 1-way Audio (they can’t hear me) on SOME Phone #’s NOTE: When I say 1-way (audio) I mean they can’t hear me. I can ALWAYS hear them. Usually calls work 2-way -although last few days, everything is “raspy” with static. PROBLEM: Some phone numbers I call are 1-way receiving only - no outgoing audio. One particular numberI call is 1-way audio 95% of the time. (This number used to be OK, but then 1-way for weeks, yesterday had single a 2-way call, and now all calls, 3 so far, are 1-way only again. Some #’s work perfectly all the time. Some #’s occasionally are 1-way incoming only. How in the world can I have this problem 95% of the time on one specific phone number I call??? I’ve tried new USB power adapters. T-Mobile said the supplied USB adapter could be bad (no offer to replace.) I have 2 Ankers I’ve been using. There might have been an improvement upgrading to the Anker but that was with my previous 4G Home Internet I recently upgraded from (1 month ago). NOTE: I wasn’t upset with my 4G and perhaps it was the USB adapter. I never complained since I went with the Anker. So this problem may be with the gray Nokia tower??? Tower has a phone jack, will they enable it? Seems they also dropped their Linelink VOIP too.380Views1like1Comment