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Roaming Rookie
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Speed vs Capacity
I just spoke with an HONEST tech about my problems over the entire time I have been a customer. We had a candid and fruitful discussion about speed vs capacity (bandwidth). Finally, someone honest and sincere at TMobile! Too much marketing and money $$$!!!! has, is, and will be spent on convincing customers that speed is KING> it is NOT. Capacity is. Bandwidth is. Your top SPEED in a Ferrari may be 200 MPH, but if your track (CAPACITY) is 30 ft long … all that speed is useless. You will plod along at regular or even SUB PAR speed. Marketing has ruined 5G and the entire market. Wake up people. Demand capacity first! Wonder why you can’t get consistent speeds, and the network is down all of the time? Well, it is not speed that is the issue. It is capacity. That unlimited speed Autobahn your traveling on at 150KPH just hit a traffic jam of more people than the road can handle! You are going nowhere fast. In fact; sometimes you will get nowhere at all. Turn off the engine and camp for the night, you are stuck for the duration. Coverage!!! Another marketing favorite. No we are just jamming more people on the same network capacity. slower speeds and connectivity issues abound because the infrastructure is NOT there. Be the UNCARRIER you claim to be TMobile, and market and spend your money where it is really needed and ( I promise you ) will be appreciated! Capacity. Pretending you can support all of your subscribers (All carriers not just TMobile) even most of the time is becoming difficult to pull off when customers can see the real problem. Too many people on the equipment you have. Speed and coverage are not supporting your customers. Reliability ( not registered as down time! ) should be a measure of consistency! For some reason it is not. I could care less if your network is up 99% of the time if 70% of the time it is so congested I can’t connect at a consistent speed and quality of service. All of these factors are important too be sure. But, as my Pappi used to say: if your foundation is crap… your house is crap. Well Tmobile (and all other carriers out there)… your foundation is Crap! How about fixing that before you expand coverage and “speed”? More subscribers only mean less capacity at this pace. Invest better. Market better. Educate better!164Views1like2CommentsRe: Anyone fed-up with horrible coverage from TMobile
Yes, I can agree. I just past my 1 year anniversary and I can say I do not like any product or service of tmobile. Support is terrible. I have been told for the entire year that my tower (home address) is being “upgraded”. As if that would explain anything. A year? I have read recently in the NEWS that tmobile support makes this claim to get customers off of their back. This claim was made by a former tmobile employee. I tend to believe the new story. I find it difficult to believe that an upgrade to a tower takes over a year to complete. They continued this same claim when I filed a complaint with the BBB as well. Network speeds crawl most of the time, and get significantly worse in the evenings. Home internet and cell is not the same speeds at the same locations. Home internet is a poor product I would not recommend to anyone. I CAN make phone calls and send text messages. Coverage in my state of WV is spotty… but so are all carriers here. Claims of the fastest, best and so forth in my opinion are lies. It depends on where you are! In WV all carriers are terrible. Not fast, not well covered, and not stable. Support is friendly but difficult to understand (Indian accent) for me. Answers are always the same. Promises to improve, fix, etc. that NEVER are followed thru. EVER. I mean NEVER-EVER. That is the definition of LIE. Coupled with the “upgrade”: Tmobile lied to me when they state that the upgrade will improve my service (it is never going to be completed-if it ever existed). Lied when they said I would have great coverage. Lied when they said my network 5G would be blazing fast. Lied when they said they had the best support (third party). Lied when they said my home internet would be 5G speeds. On and on. Such a pain to switch tho. Just one lying company to another? Look: if you just want a phone and a text message… anyone will do. This network garbage is all just that: garbage. Your ISP should never be a cell carrier… period. Get cheap service for a call and go elsewhere for everything else is my best advise.23Views4likes0CommentsI absolutely despise T-mobile now.
After less than twelve months away from my original carrier ( that was so much better in every respect ) I regret switching 100%! I absolutely HATE T-Mobile. I have had three (including the NEW access point) home wireless internet devices replaced. They all stop working nearly daily, or sometimes two. Must be rebooted in order to reconnect manually (unplug and plug back in). Support states (I have excellent signal) the issue is a tower upgrade. Same thing has been told to others in this community. I don’t believe it for a second. I am promised better service and it never happens. I feel lied to, and have absolutely no faith in this company to improve anything at all. Support is useless. Get a discount, and nothing is fixed. Discounts for poor service is not the answer. Lies are not the answer. Never ending “upgrades” are not the answer. Offering services and then removing them is not the answer. I can no longer purchase T-mobile home internet at any address in my entire state. Why? Well, by the example of MY service… T-mobile should not be selling this garbage anyway. I am currently looking for another service. Going to the local cell phone stores all weekend until i find someone that I CAN be happy with. Probably back to AT&T since they were great for over a decade for me. I only switched because I did not like the upgrades they were making interfering with my service for a month. Boy, did I have it GREAT and didn’t know it! A month!? HA! Dumbest thing I ever did switching...2.6KViews17likes21Comments