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Re: iPhone was blacklisted by Verizon and got it removed from the blacklist
This is useful information. To date I have never been able to find out which company blacklisted my phone. I read in another post to file a complaint with the FCC which I’ve done against T-Mobile since they were my carrier when it happened. The offending company has 30 days to reply. Sp far I only filed against T-Mobile hoping it will force them to fix it or at least tell me who did it.103Views0likes0CommentsRe: Phone locked in SOS Mode After Traveling from Denver to Pittsburgh
I appreciate your response, I actually spent nearly two hours at an Apple Store at the alleged Genius Bar where they assured me there was nothing wrong with the phone. This appears to be, after much research, a carrier problem, whereby any carrier can mistakenly blacklist your specific phone. The prevailing wisdom is that only that specific carrier can un-blacklist the phone. All carriers seem to honor indiscriminate blacklisting and will not intervene, even if you’ve never done business with the carrier who mistakenly blacklisted. I suspect. the only resolution is a class action lawsuit, which unfortunately would be treated by all carriers as a cost of doing business rather than a wake-up call.41Views0likes0CommentsRe: iPhone was blacklisted by Verizon and got it removed from the blacklist
As a follow-up my most recent call to customer service produced the incredulous claim from the customer service rep that mine was an iPhone problem affecting some 2.5 million iPhones. Were that true it seems that my call would have taken a few minutes and resolution would have been swift, if it were truly that pervasive an issue. They now allege that they will fix the issue within 48 hours and will notify me by e-mail I’ll post follow-up information to report if they do what they say they’ll do. By the way my phone began working again as soon as I landed in Denver upon returning from Pittsburgh.45Views0likes0CommentsRe: Phone locked in SOS Mode After Traveling from Denver to Pittsburgh
Latest update: T-Mobile Customer Service now incredulously claims this is an iPhone problem affecting 2.5 million (I’m not making this number up) iPhones. Also had no record of me visits to their T-Mobile stores nor calls I made to T-Mobile Customer Service, even though I was assured during one of those calls, which occurred while I was in an Apple Store, my problem would be “escalated”. Their customer service could not be more abysmal.48Views0likes0CommentsRe: iPhone was blacklisted by Verizon and got it removed from the blacklist
This situation mirrors mine almost identically, but T-Mobile has yet to tell me who put my phone on the blacklist, and why it somehow returned to working status upon returning to Denver from my trip to Pittsburgh. I still fear that when I travel again the same issue may arise. The other infuriating thing is that T-Mobile only offers to contact you by phone which is impossible if your phone isn’t working and you’re out of town with no access to another phone. That necessitates going to a T-Mobile store and having to beg them to contact customer service on your behalf after they insist on trying to restore the phone even though you tell them it’s been blacklisted.80Views1like0CommentsPhone locked in SOS Mode After Traveling from Denver to Pittsburgh
Upon traveling from Denver to Pittsburgh my iphone 13 Mini would not connect with T-Mobile cell service and was locked in SOS mode the day after arriving, it did work the day of arrival. In 3 visits to T-mobile stores, getting a new sim card and one visit to the Apple Genius Bar no one could solve the problem although finally a technical T-Mobile person said the phone had somehow been put in a blocked status consistent with the phone being reported as lost or stolen. When I asked that it be unblocked, T-Mobile said that wasn’t possible. I find that difficult to believe, because I suspect phones are lost or stolen frequently and the found or recovered, so I’m sure there is a mechanism to restore them to normal status. The Apple Store put the new sim card in a different phone and it connected, so it was definitely a phone specific issue. Upon returning to Denver, the phone magically returned to normal. My question therefore is whether or not anyone else has experienced this situation and why T-Mobile would tell me they can’t fix that status?440Views1like5Comments