ripped off
1 TopicI am starting to think you can't teach old dogs new tricks...First order/account vanished
To keep this short, I am .. no wait- I was born sometime prior to 1960, technology and I haven’t been the two peas in a pod that I would have liked to be- My daughter on the other hand, has been glued to a computer screen for as long as it used to take dial up to connect each session. She preloaded my hand me down (from her of course) ipad and laptop with all this information that basically, each form I fill out, I just click and select the saved answer. I wanted to do something nice for her as she has been struggling with her cell phone company insurance company, so I gave her my phone, I was going to try out a brand new iphone. I filled out my application, was approved for a generous 0.00 down, only had to pay 137 and sign a lease and even spoiled myself with next day delivery. The money was taken out of my account and is no longer pending, it went through. The email I know I typed in , is not validated in their system. I received the page that said congratulations on the order, w/e received the order, something like that- but never thought to save or print that page. Tmobile will not help me look anything up! I know its unhelpful that I have no order number, nor email I signed up with- But i have my bank receipt showing funds were paid-can that not count for something? No order arrived and its been four days. Has this happened to anyone else? Am I simply screwed?114Views0likes1Comment