12 TopicsGateway doesn't remember password
When I first setup network I could log into T-Life App on my iPhone with face recognition and access the Gateway without entering the password. Now I have to enter password every time even though the remember password is checked and I’m logged into T-Life app.102Views0likes1CommentProblem with T-Mobile Home Internet app
I've got an Arcadyan KVD21 5G Gateway from T-Mobile and used the T-Mobile Internet app to configure it. Everything is working, but when I try and launch the app on my phone, it flickers or a millisecond on the gateway home page, then goes to the initial screen (the one with the magenta “T”) and I just get a spinning gear icon for as long as i leave it there. I try killing the app, but when it's relaunched, the same thing happens. I deleted the app and then reinstalled it from the App Store, but the problem still persists. The weird thing is that sometimes, like first thing in the morning, it connects with no problem. Go figure! Is anyone else having this problem, and if so, have you solved it? As always, thanks in advance for any insight.5KViews0likes22CommentsPublic access to personal video link?
Hello everyone, a few days ago my mother sent me a large file video. When the video was sent to me, it was sent as a link and not just a video. I am unable to do anything with the video other than view/play it, I can’t even download it. The main issue I am having is that the link says, “Large file available, click to Download/Play. This link will be publicly accessible by anyone for the next 3days.” I am concerned about the “publicly accessible” part. I would like to point out that she has a Google Pixel and I have an iPhone 14. It was sent through RCS. It was NOT sent as a Google photo link, I tested that out and it looked different then this link. This link says it is a T-Mobile created link and not a Google photo link. Has this happened to anyone? Is the video truly publicly accessible or would someone need to have access to the link technically to view it? Please help!!198Views0likes0CommentsIphone from ebay came blocked by the carrier
I bought an iphone with the IMEI: 351855180015507 on ebay and brought it to Brazil, in the ad it was being sold as unlocked, but when it arrived for me it was blocked by you, can you help me? I paid a lot for my cell phone and I can't fully use itSolved584Views0likes8CommentsTMobile Home Internet causes phones to not work
I have just recently started using TMobile Home Internet (the 5G Nokia device that looks like a tall coffee can). When the device is plugged in, our TMobile phones (multiple versions of iPhones) lose about half of their signal strength - and calls end up going to voicemail. Plus text messages (SMS) do not send (get errors). If we turn off the Home Internet device, signals return to normal and everything works again. We have had 3 of these devices - and the behavior was observed on all three. (The first one had a broken power button and I had to hold down the button to get it to work. When I got it working - I noticed the problem immediately. The second device had an issue with the SIM activation, but even without an active SIM we still noted the same issue. The third device is in service right now - same problem.) NOTE: we only have about 2-bars of signal at our house (even the Nokia 5G device has only 2-bars), so this drop in signal to our phones is sufficient to take us out of service. Has anyone else experienced this behavior? Is there anything we should try to fix this?3.2KViews1like13Comments