6 TopicsDevice 360 for apple is a rip off and pain
Ok so has anyone else had to deal with this much to replace a phone?? For the past 10-15 yrs through all different cell providers, I’ve still had assurant as the insurance in the past. It was nice and simple. You file a claim you pay the deductible. They send you a new phone you send yours back done not this time!!! So I went to file a claim and assurants web site through T-Mobile they tell me I’m eligible for AppleCare services ok something new (for me) so I get transferred to their site to file claims nothing worked like it was supposed to first I get told I have to pay full price for a replacement because it’s so badly damaged so that’s not right because why am I paying for this insurance if I have to pay all this money for a new phone anyways so then I start a chat with Apple and they told me I actually have applecare plus so they can do the replacement it’s like 100 bucks I have an IPhone 13 Pro Max so he tells me there’s gonna be two charges on my card. One is an authorization hold hold for the full replacement value of the phone and the second is the actual charge for the replacement so over $1000!!! Pay all that they mail you a new phone you sent back your old one and the authorization hold drops!!! OK what about people who don’t have uh all that money to be held for days on end or just flat out don’t have that much money so then they tell me the only other option is to go into an Apple store doesn’t matter if you live near one or not you better figure it out!! in my case. The closest Apple store is an hour each way so it’s not too bad, but this is my son’s phone that he broke that he has to pay for. He’s 17 he works almost full-time and goes to school. I have a life so we have to figure out when we’re both available to be gone for a minimum of three hours, probably maybe longer!! Whatever we will get it done but the point is what if somebody doesn’t drive and lives in a rural area or a smaller town Apple stores are only in big cities and they don’t have that kind of money to be held?? I just feel like this is a lot of headache to be paying for every month. There’s all these new insurance companies out here and honestly there’s one that starts with an a they will cover your phone and up to 25 other personal items for less than I’ve been paying!! And you don’t have to deal with the hassle of going anywhere. It’s all done through the mail likes the way it used to be was just a deductible. I just feel like this is too much now expecting people to put down that kind of money or find a way to go to an Apple store, so in my case Assurant and T-Mobile lost a customer for their insurance that’s a very big chunk of change considering that it’s me and four of my children that all have phones!! I might have stayed if it was the way it used to be but not with all of these problems. I’m glad I looked into other alternative choices. Not to mention the person I was talking to with Apple said that I could get AppleCare plus directly through them for cheaper than through assurant or T-Mobile!! so I found a company I like the better because they cover other stuff but otherwise you’re better off to just get AppleCare plus it’s way cheaper I guess I want to say about seven or eight dollars a month. I might be off a few dollars but it’s way cheaper than insurance through T-Mobile and they cover pretty much the same stuff!! Sorry for my super long rant, but hopefully it save some people some money to get the hell away from what their pitching!!1.5KViews1like2CommentsApplecare vs Protection360
Recently I removed my 21-year-old son from my cell phone plan because he wanted to get his own service plan at Verizon. I was surprised to see my bill only go down from $194.79 (for 2 lines plus wi-fi) to $172.29. I’m trying to figure out why it didn’t go lower than that. Also, while looking at my plan information, I see that I have Applecare Services (Free) and I also have Protection<360> ($15.00 per month). Is it necessary to have the Protection<360> AND Applecare services? What is the difference? Thank you in advance for any and all help and information you can provide me.4.6KViews1like1CommentRe-Activate Recently (4 days ago) disconnected # (# change) to download iCloud info onto factory reset phone w/new T-Mobile # TEMP
Phone was hacked from previous boyfriend advanced IT professional. Performed phone number change as advised by T-Mobile on iPhone then went to T-Mobile store-again advised by T-Mobile to factory reset iPhone. Shen attempted to restore contents from iCloud (which is EVERYTHING PERSONAL, LEGAL & PROFESSIONAL in my life stored in there) the number it is registered under is my previous, now disconnected phone number. Went to Apple directly and because of security purposes, managers stated slim chance I would be able to recover even through 1-800-APL-CARE. Advice was to contact T-Mobile to temporarily activate old number (approximately 1hour or less to download iCloud contents onto new # factory reset phone then contact T-Mobile to advise when completed to fully disconnect #). Was previously authorized user on T-Mobile account. Since household changes have been made, user authorization had been revoked however via T-Mobile App CHAT FUNCTION on Sunday (4 days ago) as unauthorized user was permitted to change my own phone number WITHOUT pin, authorization verification or authorization upgraded access. Since iCloud is registered under previous phone number-not able to gain access to iCloud account to download ANY apps to iPhone-including T-Mobile App to use Chat feature again to help resolve issue. Was forced to contact T-Mobile tech support/customer care over the phone. Refused to give any assistance, information or verification of information other than reaching out to Apple Care which I already informed them they would 90% wouldn’t be able to assist. I did go online and reach out to Authorized user to grant access temp however they are at work and are not answering. Gave T-Mobile their info-SURPRISINGLY they failed to reach him also. WHAT CAN I DO? Chat DIDNT NEED ANYTHING AND I WASNT AUTHORIZED USER :/ I NEED THIS iCLOUD INFO ON MY FACTORY RESET PHONE. This is entirely T-MOBILES FAULT-I SHOULDNT have to be punished and lose my most precious important information of my LIFE because of their inconsistency and lack of constant policy and procedures. HEELLLLPP PPLLLEEEAASSEEE!134Views0likes0CommentsProtection 360 vs Apple Care
Is there any reason to pay for protection 360 when you have apple care for your iphone? I tried to remove this feature (protection 360) but of course you have to speak to a rep first, I’m assuming so they can convince you not to remove it. Chat and email are non-existent for this step, so you have to talk via phone with someone so they can give you their best pitch I’m assuming. Sprint/Tmobile, let me remove this feature from my dashboard!18KViews0likes5CommentsHow can I become eligible for applecare after having tmobile insurance? Please help
When i first purchased my phone, I stupidly agreed to getting the tmobile phone insurance. I am looking to switch to apple care but I keep running into an issue that my iPhone 13 is not eligible for applecare insurance. The cancellationwill not update in my iPhone’s settings (Settings - General - About - Apple Care Services), which arestill showing Apple Care coverage (through T-Moble) and thus isprohibiting me from getting Apple Care from Apple instead of T-Mobileduring the initial 60 day period! Hopefully it will update at some point within the 60 day period so that I can undo my mistake of getting T-Mobile insurance initially instead of just getting Apple Care+ from Apple (which is cheaper). I have called T-Mobile about this about 5 times, was told to go to a T-Mobile store and they could fix it, and was told at the T-Mobile store that they could do nothing. Any tips?703Views0likes1CommentT-mobile Customer Service
I have a brand new iPhone 14 Pro Max that is suffering from poor battery performance. The phone is now at the point that it requires 3 charging cycles per day with little to no use. I have worked with tech support at T-Mobile, Apple, the Apple Store, and Asurion. They all agree that there are physical signs there areissues with the phone, but no one will accept the responsibility and replace the device. The most confusing aspect of the entire process has been T-Mobile’s stance on replacing the device. The “Account Professionals” all differ in their opinion. Some have been of the mindset that they can do it, so much so, that they ignore what I am trying to tell them about the history I have gone through with the issue thus far. They build up my hopes only to have them shattered as they realize that they misspoke thirtyminutes into their research. While others are unsure and try to empathize with my pain/frustration constantly, to the point Ibegin to feel bad for them… I have spoken with, offshore reps, onshore reps, specialists, tech support representatives, supervisors, and managers, all to no avail. One underlying truth seemed to be subtly hinted at throughout my conversations… is the phone broken (hint hint hint), was the phone stolen (hint hint hint). Am I being asked to lie?181Views0likes2Comments