Forum Discussion
netflix update
idontwanna wrote:TLDR; I only made a username today because I got tired of seeing the majority of posts with no real information and just griefing. This is to provide what I have been through so far. I don’t think T-Mobile corporate has been providing good communication on this change both to the public and internally. I have been trying to get a straight answer from T-Mobile who is making the change (T-Mobile/Netflix) and why. If you don’t have information that provides actual help or are just guessing, please do not respond. I am waiting on an “escalated ticket” response to find out if I can stay on Basic.
gramps28 wrote:So Netflix changes their terms so it's a Tmobile issue? All Tmobile does is facilitate the payment to Netflix.
“The Basic plan is no longer available for new or rejoining members. If you are currently on the Basic plan, you can remain on this plan until your plan is changed or you cancel your account.” - So Netflix is apparently not kicking anyone off Basic who already has it.
fireguy_6364 wrote:Gomandy99 wrote:There should be option to buy without ads option .. with ads is worthless
there pay for the Netflix instead of TMO..then you dont have any ads.
“Note: *The Standard with ads plan may not be available through all third-party billing partners and packages. Please check with your provider to confirm availability.” - T-Mobile is a billing partner, but this does not mention Basic would be unavailable. This may be what you need to do to keep Basic. I read on Reddit if you stop Billing through T-Mobile and pay Netflix directly, you can keep Basic. I HAVE NOT confirmed this with Netflix though, so you should ask them first if that is what you want.
Thing is, T-Mobile didn’t provide any real information to their customer service agents it seems. I have gone through multiple customer service contacts with T-Mobile, and every one of them not great due to a lack of knowledge and heavy handed confusing wording:
First, Chat/T-Mobile: I stated I want to stay on the Basic plan. I was repeatedly told not to worry that I was on it “today”. When I asked about Jan 24/25 (it’s listed as 2 different dates in multiple places), I was told to not worry that I will be placed on Standard w/ads this month, even though I am contacting to not have that happen and stay on Basic. I was then told that “it” was done (I don’t remember the exact wording) and to not worry (“don’t worry” is a recurring theme).
Second, Call/T-Mobile: I felt uncomfortable with how the chat went, so I called to confirm I will not be changed. The agent was unable to to see anything that indicates I would stay on Basic. They believed (they were not sure) that Netflix was initiating the change. Makes sense I guess, so time to contact Netflix.
Third, Chat/Netflix: Agent informs me that Netflix cannot make plan changes to accounts billed through partners like T-Mobile. They state that I am on Basic and can stay on Basic and to let T-Mobile know I do not want to change.
Fourth, Chat/T-Mobile: Again stating I do not want Standard w/ads, I want to stay on Basic. I got the same “don’t worry” talk about how I was already on Basic “today” and “don’t worry” i will be upgraded later when asking to not be upgraded in the future. The agent told me that Netflix was dropping the plan, I showed them the Netflix page saying you can keep it. This would imply T-Mobile wants to kick me off Basic. They would not confirm that was the case. After an hour of back and forth, I got an “escalated ticket” on how to stay on Basic. Waiting for a response next week.
The only reason I have been able to determine is that T-Mobile wants to pay less for “Netflix on Us”. Directly via Netflix, Basic is $9.99, Standard w/ads is $6.99, and Standard w/o ads is $15.49. This would explain the “Netflix on Us” change from $6.50 → $8.50 ($15.49 - 6.99 = $8.50). Same logic for Premium.
I spoke with upper-tier rep , he confirmed Basic will remain in tact for customers with that plan.
It's grandfathered in
My Account was also noted with guarantee.
Up until last week , I was able to stream on 2 devices @ once
Now , It will only allow one stream with option to pay $6.99 upgrade for second stream.
This is were it gets tricky. If you choose upgrade Basic plan is no more. You are put on Standard plan with ads.
That isn't Tmobiles fault, Netflix is to blame.
Their trying to eliminate Basic plan users.
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