Forum Discussion
Misleading sales reps
- 9 years ago
What have I said has led you to believe I don't understand what a down payment is? I realize a down payment is not an imaginary amount of money tmobile comes up with, I pay, and then it magically disappears. Whatever you are to tmoblie means very little to me at this point, I've accomplished what I set out to do via private message with a "tmobile" representative and I'm growing tired of you passive aggressively questioning my intelligence. I'm done with this conversation its exhausting repeating my point to someone who neither gets it nor is helpful in anyway. Thank you tmobile for acknowledging my concerns. For the time being I will remain a tmobile customer.
This t-mobile store took a picture of me and put it on the group chat they have at work about a year ago. I was told they do it after every sale and asked me if it was ok . The still took my picture . I went again yesterday to replace my phone and was told the down payment was 91.99 . They said they would give me a case and temper glass for free. I’m in sales myself . So I asked him and said “ you sure it’s free ? Like I don’t have to pay a single cent more ?” They replies by saying nope, completely free. So I paid and checked my bill and says my down payment was only 39.99 and they made me pay for a temper glass I never even asked for without telling me. I’m just realizing this as I check my bill. This store in Calexico , imperial ave is managed very strangely compared to all the other T-Mobiles I’ve been too and don’t appreciate being lied to about my down payment and then being made to pay for accessories I told them I didn’t want. I don’t put a case on my phones ever or temper glass. But they clearly told me it was free.
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