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Re: First Responder
As a nurse, I made a post about this as well. I got nasty comments on this platform bc I’m not a firefighter, EMT or officer! ER nurses respond First also!!! And we don’t just roll by scenes when someone is hurt, we stop to help! Hence “first responder”. We don’t need a call to do that, we do it on our own! And where do these said “responders” bring these people????? To us! Shame on you T-Mobile!!!!27Views0likes0CommentsRe: NURSES ARE NOT FIRST RESPONDERS?
Darn Corey, Maybe you are unfamiliar with emergency departments where people come in and we respond FIRST, you know…life saving measures?? Or, the fact that many of us DO INFACT respond to scenes when we come upon them. They ride to the scenes, but where do they bring said person? Do they doctor or nurse them to health? Don’t try to negate the fact that doctors and nurses VERY MUCH deserve the discount too! Have the day you deserve 👏93Views0likes0CommentsNURSES ARE NOT FIRST RESPONDERS?
I am livid...I was told twice by employees of T-mobile that I qualify as a nurse for first responder discount. Today I am told that I do not because I am not an EMT, Firefighter or Police Officer! WHAT???? How are we the "front line" and not considered first responders? That is beyond disrespectful. We bust our humps for our community day in and day out, underpaid and disrespected...yet we cannot even get a discount that others get? SHAME ON YOU TMOBILE!!!!256Views0likes4Comments