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Re: Trade in bill credits CANCELLED?
My bills were auto pay and paid every month, with NONE late. This is white collar crime possibly. Call for the 5th time today, and rep said a ticket and call back were done by him. Plainly put, this is vaporphone credit activity. Can there be any doubt that this is intentional, to stop the credits. I would ask if there is ANYONE still getting the credit on their billings. The rep just said it was a glitch mistake in the system, after reviewing my account and seeing that the credit was owned. And I ask, why does billing need to open a “ticket”. If they can see that the credits have not been given, why not fix it now on phone? So as of now, i will wait. I would think that the BBB and the Florida attorney general should be notified for me, and maybe i will. Maybe the AG of Florida can pop this cesspool, and see how many customers have had their money/credits stolen, and still going on.):63Views0likes0CommentsRe: Trade in bill credits CANCELLED?
The same for me on upgrades done on S23 phone and Apple phone, my two lines on tmobile. Credits given ok for 5 months, then CUT OFF. My EIP was valid, and i had 19 more credits coming to reach a “zero cost” for the upgrade ie stay with tmobile for 2 years. Now they want the lease payment per month on EIP IN FULL, and do not give the credit montly or at all. So instead of a free 2 phones, they are now claiming 19 more payments that total out about $1800 over the lease. They flop around when called, but then say they will see i get my credits, and nothing happens as to being posted to my account. This has the look and feel of consummer fraud, or abuse. Add Elder Abuse to that as I am near 80. watch out, even if you get what looks like a firm agreement, seems tmobile will welch out on it. I’ll keep you updated on this.62Views0likes0CommentsRe: How does upgrading work with Tmobile?
I did a cell device upgrade [no cost] on two senior phones i had. the deal was do the upgrade, and continue with tmobile plan for 24 months, and each month a credit would wipe out the lease EIP amount for each phone. For 5 months, worked ok. Then with 19 months to go, suddenly the “credits” on monthly bill stopped about oct 22. called tmobile and talked to support and they told me that tmobile was NOT welching on the contract, and tmobile would get me my credits ie $75 per month till end of lease at 24 months. Still not done days later. More calls to Tmobile. For me, this is an obvious grab at an addition 20 months at $75 per month or about 1800 dollars, three times the retail price of the phone when lease made. watch out, and check your bills. they are dishonoring lease deals. This is VERY VERY BAD AND SEMMINGLY DISHONEST BY TMOBILE.302Views0likes0Comments