Did T-mobile stop offering voicemail to email?
I've had voicemail to email for years with T-mobile. It became unreliable about a year ago, and I recently opened a trouble ticket. Now I can only get voicemail to text, which is unacceptable. There is no option in my account for voicemail to email. Trouble Ticket # 76224582 is still unresolved. Anyone else experiencing a similar fiasco?49Views0likes0CommentsSending E-mail SMS to T-Mobile Phone
Hey there! My name is James, let me start with the summarized version of the issues: When sending a message from Gmail to a phone number **********@tmomail.com, the message successfully reaches the phone when that address is entered into the "To" or "Cc" field of the email, but the message is blocked when it is entered into the Bcc field. I tried this on multiple carriers and it seems that T-Mobile is the only one with an issue. Now for a more in depth explanation. I am currently testing to see if a Gmail account could be used as a quick alternative Mass Notification System for my company. I used my own cell and a few co-workers cells in the test, my own is T-Mobile and the others were AT&T and Verizon. When I sent the message from Gmail to the respective phone numbers, it reached everyone, but I had entered the addresses into the "To" field on the email. For obvious privacy and security reasons, its preferred to enter them into the "Bcc" field of the email, that way not everyone sees all of the numbers. T-Mobile was the only carrier that I tested that blocked the message, only when sent it the Bcc field, it worked from the same Gmail address when sent in both the To and Cc fields. I am wondering if this is a known issue or if there is anyway around this, such as sending the email from a different provider, or changing something in the email or possibly making a business account with Gmail. Thank you for reading and responding to this! The message I get back is as follows: Your message to **********@tmomail.net has been blocked. See technical details below for more information. The response was: 550 permanent failure for one or more recipients (**********@tmomail.net:blocked) Final-Recipient: rfc822; **********@tmomail.net Action: failed Status: 5.0.0 Remote-MTA: dns; d79033b.ess.barracudanetworks.com. (, the server for the domain tmomail.net.) Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 permanent failure for one or more recipients (**********@tmomail.net:blocked)Solved83KViews1like20CommentsHow to delete T-Mobile account or reach support from outside USA?
Good evening, in May, I spent a few weeks in the US and used a T-Mobile prepaid eSIM, which I deleted afterwards from my phone. However, I keep receiving emails from T-Mobile that my service is about to expire if I don’t refill my prepaid account. The problem is, I cannot log into my account to delete my T-Mobile ID, as the website requests my (now non-existing) US telephone number. Furthermore, there seems to be no way to reach customer support by email. Has anyone an idea how I may get rid of my T-Mobile account/ID? Thank you very much! Alex659Views0likes2CommentsSomeone registered their phone with my email and now T-mobile is spamming me with his notifications
A certain Byron, apparently a T-Mobile customer, has entered my email as his. And now I receive notifications of all he does with his account. T-mobile didn't care to send a verification email to check whether the address he gave is his, but now allows me to verify that I'm this alleged Byron and post this here under his account - requesting T-mobile to resolve this, get Byron to provide an email that is actually his, and start verifying address the customers give them.733Views0likes1CommentCONTACTS
I’ve had this phone, REVVL V+ 5g with TMobile because of the Sprint merger. I have had NOTHING but problems with the service AND the phone. #1 The day I got the phone, my contact were in it. Now, three to four times per day, a contact will just drop out of my contact list….GONE. I keep addresses, all of the info I can get, in with each contact. Now I have no number, name, address, nothing. Why is this happening? #2 VOICEMAIL - Someone will leave me a voicemail three days ago, and wouldn’t ya k now it, there it is, three days later, popping up on my screen. I’ve lost a job interview because of this shit. #3 QUIT HOW DO I GIVE YOU YOUR PIECE OF JUNK PHONE BACK AND CHANGE MY PHONE NUMBER TO ANOTHER SERVICE...IMMEDIATELY? The phone was supposed to be free, so don’t try and charge me for them (we got four).I’ve tried contacting TMobile about all of these issues, and, well, they don’t know a freakin thing about fixing any of it either, Imagine that. Please contact me immediately...I am on the account...Angela S McClellan 500 E 50th St Loveland CO 80538, 928-303-8253, pwobbles@gmail.com. This entire catastrophe needs to be rectified now,.223Views1like1Comment