Forum Discussion
Why is T-mobile charging for WhatsApp international video calls?
- 3 years ago
Oh! So the problem is WhatsApp and it does not happen with similar apps, wright? Nope, it’s wrong. It happens with Apple FaceTime also. Look at the complaints, see the attachments. And if this problem really happens because of the apps, what I doubt, WHY DON’T T-MOIBLE ADVERTISE A SOLUTION FOR THIS ISSUE AND STOP CHARGING CUSTOMERS THAT FREQUENTLY CALL ABROAD USING WHATSAPP VIDEO OR I-PHONE FACETIME?
It became a HE SAYS SHE SAYS thing. The solution is all over the Internet: pushing airplane mode and only using a WI-FI connection before making the call. So how come T-mobile doesn’t widely display a solution for this, since I realize now it’s such a widespread problem? Is T-mobile really interested in not charging the customer for international calls made via WhatsApp? What if I don’t have a Wi-Fi spot available when I need to make an international call via WhatsApp? The situation in the market today is that there is a lot of competition out there. We don’t need T-Mobile, T-Mobile needs us. These attachments are from Google!
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