Forum Discussion
No Love For Loyal Customers of 20+ Years?
I’ve been with T-Mobile since the company was VoiceStream. Granted, I did have a slight 1 year gap, I’ve loyal ever since. The reward for that? Nothing.
Why does T-Mobile not give a crap about long time, loyal customers? Why do only new customers get iPhone deals? Why do I have to add a new line to get a deal? I don’t need/want to change my number or add an additional line that I’m not going to use just to get a “deal” on a phone. It actually ends up NOT being a deal at all if you factor in the cost of the unnecessary line.
A few weeks ago, I was duped into adding two lines, then told I could cancel the lines after 90 lines with no penalties. I was incorrectly told that I’d get the phones for super cheap with trade-in, only to find out that I was given incorrect info.
So, I’m back to square one: no deals for people like me who have been around forever. What’s the point of being loyal when I can just move over to ATT for basically the same as what I’m paying now?
Does management actually care? Seems like they could give a s4!t and would rather lose a loyal customer than give them the same deal as new customers.
I’m super frustrated ...
I was a Tmobile customer long before when they were prepaid and called PrimeCo. I took my number with me no matter the phone company because that number was my number...What most of the world is not understanding is that Tmobile has monopolized the cell phone industry. I agree with gramps28. usually i buy my phones outright unlocked.
And honestly Tmobile really doesnt care
- Cali_CatBandwidth Buddy
Denaliboi wrote:
OK I have read these posts and I am a little confused. Why do a company have to treat a customer different if they are a long timer. Many of you shop at the same grocery store, or Walmart or home depot or gas station for your lifetime and you don't expect anything for your life time of shopping at these places, nor have you ever went to these places demanding anything extra for your years. Even tho you spend 10 times as much of your phone per month at these places. Even the electric company or gas company or water company you pay your bill to per month. Do you tell these company's to give you something extra for 15 or 20 years of using there services? It's a reason you have been with t-mobile for 15 or 20 years, and it's probably because you have seen what the other options are over the years and have realized you have a very good deal now and have had a very good deal since day why complain?
You misunderstand the context. The dissatisfaction with the long term customers is they are not eligible for the massive discounts for new customers under their current plans. So to use your analogy with this context, how would feel if your grocery story was giving away $100 gift cards if it was your first time shopping there and when you as a 10 year+ supporter of the same grocery story got nothing.
- DenaliboiNetwork Novice
OK I have read these posts and I am a little confused. Why do a company have to treat a customer different if they are a long timer. Many of you shop at the same grocery store, or Walmart or home depot or gas station for your lifetime and you don't expect anything for your life time of shopping at these places, nor have you ever went to these places demanding anything extra for your years. Even tho you spend 10 times as much of your phone per month at these places. Even the electric company or gas company or water company you pay your bill to per month. Do you tell these company's to give you something extra for 15 or 20 years of using there services? It's a reason you have been with t-mobile for 15 or 20 years, and it's probably because you have seen what the other options are over the years and have realized you have a very good deal now and have had a very good deal since day why complain?
- AfrimKNetwork Novice
Whats funny to me is that this is happening to me now. Im about to cancel my account this monday after 19 years of being with tmobile with 7 lines.started with voicestream!! And i was just about to make a business backup cellular network with tmobile for the agency i work for. Will not be doing that now. Tmobile doesnt give 2 shits about loyal customers who been with them forever. All they care about is new customers. They keep lying and lying and they could care less. But they will feel it when they lose enough of us. I already have an appointment with ATT this monday and i got my account number and transfer pin from much as Att sucks too they at least appreciate me as a loyal customer and god willing i will go be with them for another 19 years. You better step it up Tmobile
- mr_mjherringNetwork Novice
I recently inquired about my time with T-mobile and to my surprise it has been 24 years. I too was with a service that was acquired by T-mobile.. I read just this single stream of peoples” irritations about their time with T-mobile and thought maybe it is time to consider another carrier. BUT - there aren’t many other services offering such good plans. It is a cell phone and that tech is on the manufacturer to do what you want it to do. It is what your pocketbook can afford in that respect. What I really care about is the quality of the data and its availability when I want to use it. I have been all over the world and to more than 40 states over the years. I have used T-mobile consistently with minimal disruption or signal issues. I think I pay a fair price compared to other carriers. I don’t shop them any more because its the service I am most interested in and they are reliable. The other comments in the posts are device related and to that i say I agree. I have never gotten a free device I always buy out right to avoid certain things I think are loaded on the phones base line. I also hear the customer service complaint issues in this thread and I think that is something that would be very hard to beat at any company this day and age. I am not sure what everyone else does but, I don’t require a lot of changes to my plan and in the rare event I need to contact customer support I go in person to a store.
Finally, my recommendation to T-mobile is to develop a tier system that does recognize loyal customers. It would require some work to really examine the customer base and the year brackets to accomplish such a tier system. There has to be a way even if it is a one time offer to say thank you for you loayalty.
Remember, ”you can please some of the people some of the time... but, not all of the people all of the time.”
- ProbablyswitchiNewbie Caller
magenta6879627 wrote:
t-mobile does not care any more. I have been with this company for 17 years. I have a phone that does not work properly and asked them to give an upgrade phone that does the daily calls and apps ….they giving me hard time, after many days and hours on the phone, their manager who is extremely unaware of promotions or options, say you have to pay over $600 for a phone, or wait until chrismas , may be there is a promo at that time, or just go with another company!!!
Is that what T mobile does about 17 years loyalty?. we asked them...even tried to reach the CEO….the answer was : we do not care!!!
conclution: perhaps tell everyone about this experience and pack our bags to leave and go with another company who is more decent than T mobile.
This has been really helpful. And have had similar experience. I have a really good deal at Verizon, but because I’ve been with T-Mobile for 18 years, it feels a shame to leave. I’m gonna look into AT&T and see what they offer. I know Verizon will beat out on the deal, but AT&T might be more reliable. I’m pretty disheartened by them not caring for their long time customers. I guess it isn’t what it use to be.
- almasbadarpuraNewbie Caller
15 + years with T-Mobile never got any deal or free phone autopay bill on time now its time to move to different carrier, company don’t care anymore for existing customer now this loyalty will be shopping for new carrier on thanksgiving deals.
- KimberFRoaming Rookie
Anyone find a carrier besides T-Mobile with a decent deal. I agree with all the comments here and will try Best Buy to switch. They messed up a promotion for me, for the airpods and iPhone 14plus. Anyway they couldn’t even do a simple promotion or fix correctly and had the nerve to ask if I had a friend to buy the airpods from me. That was my deciding factor to leave T-Mobile after receiving my tax refund so I can buy my phone outright. I’ll look google phone as some suggested. 50% sounds pretty darn good.. There is no customer loyalty. Although AT&T is more expensive, they have a customer loyalty support line and want to help. They helped my neighbor. T-mobile is so scripted they can’t even process a promotion correctly or take care of the problem. It’s turning into another Sprint who never cared about the customers.
- riexxNewbie Caller
Seeing these comments here made me realized they are aligned and consistent on being “that”.
- riexxNewbie Caller
I’ve been a customer for years as well. And this is exactly what I feel about them! The customer service assigned in Katy Texas are the worst! Their good words are scripted and they definitely do not even exert an effort to sound they mean them. Their bad attitude are the genuine ones. When you call them, you are like disturbing them and that your call isn’t welcome.
- BluesCatNewbie Caller
What is with Tmobile expecting customers to be continually adding “new lines of service” ?
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