Forum Discussion

HawaiiR's avatar
Roaming Rookie
4 years ago

No Love For Loyal Customers of 20+ Years?

I’ve been with T-Mobile since the company was VoiceStream. Granted, I did have a slight 1 year gap, I’ve loyal ever since. The reward for that? Nothing. 

Why does T-Mobile not give a crap about long time, loyal customers? Why do only new customers get iPhone deals? Why do I have to add a new line to get a deal? I don’t need/want to change my number or add an additional line that I’m not going to use just to get a “deal” on a phone. It actually ends up NOT being a deal at all if you factor in the cost of the unnecessary line.

A few weeks ago, I was duped into adding two lines, then told I could cancel the lines after 90 lines with no penalties. I was incorrectly told that I’d get the phones for super cheap with trade-in, only to find out that I was given incorrect info.

So, I’m back to square one: no deals for people like me who have been around forever. What’s the point of being loyal when I can just move over to ATT for basically the same as what I’m paying now?

Does management actually care? Seems like they could give a s4!t and would rather lose a loyal customer than give them the same deal as new customers. 
I’m super frustrated ...

  • I was a Tmobile customer long before when they were prepaid and called PrimeCo. I took my number with me no matter the phone company because that number was my number...What most of the world is not understanding is that Tmobile has monopolized the cell phone industry. I agree with gramps28. usually i buy my phones outright unlocked. 

    And honestly Tmobile really doesnt care