Driving subscriptions with an interactive Rideshare campaign


Commanding attention in a unique environment

A popular audiobook service wanted to raise brand and title awareness by activating a nationwide Rideshare campaign. By partnering with T-Mobile Advertising Solutions, they gained access to the nation’s largest network of moving screens.


Delivering a one-of-a-kind user experience

The brand worked with T-Mobile Advertising Solutions to develop an interactive video ad that played snippets of select audiobooks, providing audiences with an engaging audio and visual sample of story content.


The impact tells an engaging story

With more than 20,000 hours of airtime for the creative, the brand saw a significant lift in audiobook awareness. This stat was even more impactful among those who had never been a member of the service.

5.5M+ impressions

Driving an impressive 58K+ unique clicks to the brand landing page, the campaign’s interactive format also led to much higher ad recall, greater response, and significant increase in brand favorability.

2X industry average click-through rate

By unlocking the ultimate lean-in experience, the audiobook service maximized campaign results in an environment that provides full measurability and unmatched engagement.

Power your campaigns with T-Mobile Advertising Solutions today