These terms (in addition to our T&Cs located here) govern our on-site installation of fixed wireless services (“Installation Services”) at the registered address for your Business Internet Service (“Approved Location”).
How will the Installation Services be Scheduled?
What Responsibilities Do I Have?
You are responsible for getting any necessary licenses, permissions, or permits for the Installation Services, and represent and warrant that you have all necessary rights, licenses, and permissions. This includes permission from any applicable landlords, mortgagees, or property management companies. You agree to indemnify and defend us against any claims resulting from your failure to obtain the appropriate licenses, permissions, or permits for the Installation Services.
You are responsible for the conditions at the Approved Location(s). This means ensuring that the Approved Location is safe for and free from any hazards or dangers to the Authorized Installers. This includes making sure the Authorized Installers know any site rules and that the Approved Location is free from any substance identified as hazardous, toxic, or dangerous (collectively, the “Hazardous Substances”). You’re responsible for identifying, investigating, and remediating any Hazardous Substances, and you agree to indemnify and defend us against any claims related to the Hazardous Substances (unless the Installation Services alone resulted in the Hazardous Substances). You’re also responsible for any property damage or personal injury, or death of an Authorized Installer at the Approved Location caused by you, your employees, officers, agents, or contractors/subcontractors. This includes any death or injury caused by the conditions at the Approved Location.
Do You Need Access to the Approved Location?
Yes. You need to provide the Authorized Installers access to, and use of, the Approved Location so they can perform the Installation Services. This includes entering and exiting the premises and providing any and all utility connections (including access to electrical power and your existing telecommunications line). You are responsible for any costs associated with the use of electrical power during the installation. If you do not have a telecommunications line or service, you agree that the Authorized Installer can install and connect the telecommunications line/service at the Approved location, at your expense. If the Authorized Installer cannot access the Approved Location on the installation date, then you will be charged for the installation and will pay an additional charge for them to return and complete the Installation Services at a later date.
Are There Any Warranties for the Installation Services?
No. Except for any written warranty that may be provided with a Device you purchase from us, the Installation Services and Devices are provided on an “as is” and “with faults” basis and without warranties of any kind. We make no representations or warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranty or merchantability or fitness for a particular or intended purpose. You waive any implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We can’t and don’t promise uninterrupted or error-free Service and don’t authorize anyone to make warranties on our behalf. We are , not responsible for the acts or omissions of any third parties or for the loss of any data while that data is in the possession, custody, or control of any such third party.
Are There Any Restrictions on How I Can Use the Installation Services?
Yes. You agree that you will only use the Installation Services in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. You may , not use the Installation Services in such a way that causes us to be out of compliance with any laws or regulations. You cannot make unauthorized modifications to the Devices installed using the Installation Services, including any equipment or technology deployed as part of the Installation Services. Improper use and/or unauthorized modifications can lead to short circuits and other mechanical issues, as well as increased risks of fire that could result in personal injury or significant property damage.