T-Mobile Supplier Policies

At T-Mobile USA, Inc., respect and integrity guide our behavior. We are committed to getting the right results, the right way.

T‑Mobile views our Third-Parties (vendors, suppliers, dealers, subcontractors and business partners) as valued extensions of T‑Mobile's business. It is important that our Third-Parties share our goals on how to do business. We at T‑Mobile are committed to legal compliance and ethical conduct in our business dealings; and we expect our Third-Parties to share that commitment.

Supplier Code of Conduct

Click here to read the full Supplier Code of Conduct that describes the business and employment practices T‑Mobile requires.

Supplier Policies and Standards

The T-Mobile Third-Party Information Security Policy sets forth T‑Mobile's baseline security requirements for Third-Parties (including Suppliers) to ensure appropriate technological and procedural controls are in place to protect T‑Mobile's information, business interests, and reputation. Click here to read the full T-Mobile Third-Party Information Security Policy, which replaces all preceding third-party information security standards (including TISS 610).

Speak Up Policy, this policy states that T‑Mobile employees, suppliers and other third parties will be protected from retaliation for reporting suspected misconduct, including violations of the law, the Supplier Code of Conduct, and Supplier Policies. Click here to read the full Speak Up Policy.

Supplier Travel and Expenses Policy, outlines supplier business expenses eligible for reimbursement and provides requirements and procedures for submitting invoices, reimbursement claims and business expense reports in order to receive timely reimbursement of eligible expenses.

The Responsible Sourcing Policy describes our suppliers’ commitments to adopt social, ethical, and environmental considerations in their own operations and those of their suppliers, in areas such conflict minerals, paper and plastic sourcing, circular use of materials, water protection, and climate change, plus observe high social and ethical standards.

T-Mobile's Supplier Data Processing Requirements define the mandatory data privacy requirements for Suppliers that access or process the personal data of T-Mobile's customers, consumers, or employees on T-Mobile's behalf. Every Supplier who accesses or processes this type of personal data for T-Mobile must follow these requirements to ensure compliance with applicable federal and state privacy laws and T-Mobile's privacy policies.

The American Sign Language (ASL) Interpretation Standards outline the basic qualifications for ASL Interpreters who contract with T-Mobile to provide professional ASL interpreting services in the U.S.

Additional Resources

USGCI constitutes information pertinent to the identification of a United States Government Customer. Consequently, all vendors granted access to USGCI are required to undergo annual training on the importance of protecting USGCI. The primary objective of this training is to uphold compliance with USGCI standards and to guarantee the appropriate management of USGCI by vendors. This training regimen is fundamental to T-Mobile's compliance responsibilities and undergoes validation via a third-party audit. Refer to the Training on Protecting T-Mobile’s U.S. Government Customer Information(USGCI) for Non-T-Mobile Workers.