Use these steps to get the most out of your T-Mobile SyncUP TRACKER device. For additional steps, check out the SyncUP TRACKER app tutorials for Android and iOS.
On this page:
App requirements
- Wi-Fi: 802.11 at 2.4 GHz
- Android 7 or later (tablets not supported)
- iOS 11.2 or later (iPad not supported)
- The SyncUP TRACKER app can display a maximum of 8 TRACKER devices.
Download and login
The SyncUP TRACKER app is required. It allows you to access your items' location, notifications and more.
- The app is available for free on the Apple App Store, Google Play Store , or
- Make sure your smartphone is up-to-date with the latest operating system and that it meets the requirements.
Get started
Welcome to TRACKER
- Select Let's get started on the Welcome screen.
- Follow the in-app instructions.
- Choose Allow location access. This will enable your tracker to locate your things.
- You may get the pop-up Allow "SyncUP TRACKER" to use your location? Choose Allow.
- The user's location is not required but it is encouraged.
- Select Allow push notifications.
- You may get the pop-up "SyncUP TRACKER" Would Like to Send You Notifications. Choose Allow.
Add a Device / Connect to Network
- Follow the in-app instructions to Scan QR code. This will recognize the tracker and start connecting you to the T-Mobile Network. If you're adding a second device, you can select the Plus (+) icon from the map screen.
- Choose Allow on the "SyncUP TRACKER" would like to access the camera on the pop-up. This allows the camera to take images and scan the QR code.
- Scan the QR code on the back of your tracker device.
- When the QR Code scan success! message appears, it means your tracker device is being connected to the network.
- You can also pair your tracker manually by entering the 15-digit IMEI Number located on the back of your device.
- Once you've added your device, you're connected to T-Mobile. Select Set up device profile to continue.
Create a TRACKER profile
- Choose an Item to monitor in the SyncUP TRACKER app on your smartphone.
- Enter details for the item you're tracking like the unique name and location update frequency. For more information, select the info bubble icon.
- Once completed, choose Save.
Personalize your TRACKER
- Once you've selected an Item and you're on the Device Profile screen, you'll be able to personalize the icons provided by selecting the edit icon fixed on the item profile image. You can edit the icon, take your own photo, or select from your photo gallery.
- After you've completed the device profile setup, you'll be directed to the maps screen.
Reset your password
- On the Welcome screen, choose Forgot Password.
- A Reset your password screen will appear asking for a 6-digit code to verify your identity. This code will be sent to your contact
- Enter the 6-digit code when you receive it.
- Select Submit code.
- Enter your New Password and Re-enter Password.
- Select Reset password.
- If your new password meets the criteria, you will be logged in to the SyncUP TRACKER app.
Use the app
Your Home Screen is where you can access all the features available in your SyncUP TRACKER app. It also provides helpful device information such as battery and location updates using color-coded icons and time stamps.
The most prominent features on this screen are adding a new tracker, viewing your devices on the map, adding a virtual boundary, viewing a list of your devices in the drawer and device settings and accessing the Notifications and More tabs.
- The Notifications screen is where all your notifications will exist. Notifications are organized and separated by date and will show what type of notification you're getting for which item you're tracking.
- The More (Settings, Help & Feedback, About, Logout/Delete Account) screen is where you can access your app's settings and find help and provide feedback. You can log out of your account or delete it.
How to create a virtual boundary
A Virtual Boundary is an imaginary border drawn around a point by a GPS tracking system. You pick a location and decide how large of an area to include inside the imaginary border. Virtual Boundaries can have a radius as small as 165 feet and as large as 50 miles. A radius of less than 300 feet is not recommended, as it may increase false exit notifications.
The app will prompt for Settings if you haven't previously opted into accepting notifications, if you deny notifications, or if your notifications are turned off.
- On your home screen, select Virtual Boundaries. Choose Add a virtual boundary to begin.
- Use the map or enter the address to your desired location.
- Once your virtual boundary is set, give the virtual boundary a name, assign it to the item(s) you're tracking, and enable/disable notification alerts.
- Once you're finished, save your virtual boundary by selecting Save.
How to delete a virtual boundary
- From your home screen/map screen, choose Virtual Boundaries. Once you enter the Virtual Boundaries screen, choose the name of the virtual boundary you wish to delete.
- Select Delete virtual boundary.
- A message confirming you'd like to delete your Virtual Boundary will display . Select Delete again. Your Virtual Boundary will be deleted.
Using Quick Tracking Mode
- Quick Tracking Mode allows you to find your item quickly by increasing the frequency at which your device sends location updates when on the map screen. This is enabled by default.
- To disable Quick Tracking Mode, select the More (3 dots) icon, then select Quick Tracking Mode and toggle the enabled feature to disable.
How to turn on the Light Sensor
Device light sensor is a feature that helps you know that your items aren't being tampered with. The sensor detects changes from Dark to Light and Light to Dark and can be enabled individually.
- To turn on the light sensor, select More (3 dots) and choose Notification Settings.
- Once you enter into Light Sensor, you can enable light sensors to detect Dark to Light, Light to Dark or both light event types.
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