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Usage Details - Update - New Billing Cycle - STILL BROKEN
Update to the usage details. For the WHOLE past billing cycle (mine ended yesterday) I have been unable to see usage details per line. I have been unable to check on my kids’ lines. Now that my new billing cycle started, IT STILL DOES NOT WORK. In fact. it is worse. On the web site, when I click on Usage, I get to the Usage Overview page. IT IS BLANK. WOW SUCH EMPTY In my browser history I had some URLs saved with direct links to line details pages. When I use one of those, I see data but LAST BILLING CYCLE IS MISSING Billing Cycle Jam 25-Feb 24 is MISSING When I use another saved URL to directly access SMS history for my line, for the ‘Current Cycle’ it shows data from cycle Dec-Jan (not even Jan-Feb) WHAT IN TARNATION?? TMOBILE - DO YOU NOT HAVE A CODE DEV / ROLL-OUT / ROLL-BACK PROCESS? DO YOU NOT HAVE A SOFTWARE QA TEAM?! I have worked and continue to work in many a tech environment, and I have never seen such incompetence. This would not fly ANYWHERE.Solved974Views8likes10CommentsRe: USAGE DETAILS NOT UPDATED
So my new billing cycle started today. Now, when I log in to the Tmobile website and go to Usage (top left), the page that shows is ‘Usage Overview’ with NOTHING on it. Not even the past billing cycle details are available. In the Tmobile App, when I click on Account - Plan and Usage Details - Usage, it shows the totals for the new current cycle. Then when I scroll down and click on ‘View More Usage Details’ it shows the Usage Overview page, with NOTHING, not current cycle not past cycle. Then when I go back to the Usage page, and click the ‘Show Usage Over time’ under any of the lines, the “Current” total is correct (let’s say 10 SMS), but the Jan total (last cycle) ALSO SHOWS 10. WHAT A SHITSHOW75Views7likes0CommentsRe: USAGE DETAILS NOT UPDATED
Same issue. Detail usage not visible for current billing cycle - no updates since 1/24 for me. No fix for three weeks. If it was really a technical issue you’d think they’d have the ability to get it fixed by now. So my guess is everyone is given the runaround and Tmobile is lying about the fact that they stopped this feature for all accounts. I have three kids’ lines and can no longer monitor them.34Views6likes0CommentsRe: USAGE DETAILS NOT UPDATED
Stuff like this does not just ‘stop working’. If they updated code, these things go through a software QA process before being rolled out. It would have been caught there, unless they employ a bunch of amateurs. Like the person in the software industry above said, no way this is possible. It’s been a month now. My billing cycle ends tomorrow. We’ll see what happens….24Views5likes0CommentsRe: When will usage data be upated
@ErikaH10 since you work for Tmobile, please pass on this message to the team. This issue has been going on for a month now. I, as many others here, have several kids’ lines on my plan and need to be able to see if everything is on the up-and-up now and then. If the 80 Billion dollar per year company cannot fix ‘an issue’ like this in a month, technical leadership is in question. It is unfathomable that this has not been resolved yet. I have been with Tmobile for ten years. Issue - when I look at usage, I see current cycle. Perfect. Then when I go to details and select current cycle, it shows last month’s details Should not take a month to figure out !!63Views5likes0CommentsRe: Usage Details NOT Available (aka not updating) since Feb 1
This has been going on for weeks. I contacted Tmobile and they said ‘we are working on it’. I said well OK it has been going on for weeks, what gives? I also mentioned that some people (as per forum posts) were told that real time usage for current billing cycle will no longer be available, but this person told me that is incorrect and that they are working on fixing it. The only answer I got over and over was ‘we’re sorry but they are working on it’….. I said well Tmobile makes 80 billion dollars per year, hire some competent people please. Totally ridiculous that after hundreds (thousands?) of complaints still still has not been addressed yet. I have three kids’ lines that I can no longer monitor. I am thinking about setting up a twitter (bleh) just to tweet at all Tmobile marketing, leadership and support accounts all day every day until this is fixed. Probably a waste of time but maybe it will make me feel better,30Views3likes0CommentsRe: Usage
This has been going on for weeks. I contacted Tmobile and they said ‘we are working on it’. I said well OK it has been going on for weeks, what gives? I also mentioned that some people (as per forum posts) were told that real time usage for current billing cycle will no longer be available, but this person told me that is incorrect and that they are working on fixing it. The only answer I got over and over was ‘we’re sorry but they are working on it’….. I said well Tmobile makes 80 billion dollars per year, hire some competent people please. Totally ridiculous that after hundreds (thousands?) of complaints still still has not been addressed yet. I have three kids’ lines that I can no longer monitor. I am thinking about setting up a twitter (bleh) just to tweet at all Tmobile marketing, leadership and support accounts all day every day until this is fixed. Probably a waste of time but maybe it will make me feel better,27Views2likes0Comments