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Re: I am about to give up on TMobil
TNCamper wrote: Like many of you, I am not satisfied with TMobil's cell services. After nearly two years and many conversations with Customer service agents I am about to throw in the towel and move back to Verizon. I should add that I moved to TMobil out of frustration with Verizon and dazzling TMobil advertisements. My experience is like many of yours, poor reception and poor data services even when my phone shows 5 bars of 5G. I wonder if the phone is misrepresenting actual signal strength. I tried everything, phone reboots, signal boosters and even spent $600 on a better phone. The signal is awful on all three phones on my plan. My only question is, how is TMobil making all of their "best network" claims when so many of us are unhappy? Countless conversations with the script-reader customer DISSERVICE farm, mythical tech support and actual cellular signal levels that will range from 4 bars of 5G to 1 bar of 4G with occasional ‘no service’. Mix in Tmobile’s claims of it is my phone, my SIM, my settings, et al. and the fact that the so-called technical support wants me to do the same steps over and over as if it going to make a difference. I have had the service for 23 years, and in the last 2 months to say it has gone to hell in a handbasket would be an understatement. I cannot reliably make/receive calls, send/receive text messages, internet speeds as low as 0.23kb down 0.02 up, call waiting will disconnect all calls about half the time, trying to merge a call into a 3-way is just as likely to hang up on everyone as it is to work and the list of issues goes on and on. Tmobile has given up on customer service, there is nobody that you can talk to that has a CLUE what is going on. There is no contact information for elevation, corporate contact, they simply do not CARE. I absolutely hate AT&t/Verizon, but I fear that I might have to just hate it and at least be able to make a phone call.16Views0likes0Comments