9 TopicsEmail to text not working via gmail.
Have a PLC that sends alerts/alarms out via email. There are 10 people on the group message, 8 of whom are on other carriers - all received the email/text, but not to Only two of us are on Tmobile and we are the only two who didn’t receive the alert: There was a temporary problem delivering your message to ********** Gmail will retry for 25 more hours. You'll be notified if the delivery fails permanently. The response from the remote server was: 452 4.1.0 <**********> server temporarily unavailable AUP#MXRT866Views1like5CommentsHow to fix significant delays of messages sent using the email to SMS service?
Sprint customer here. About a month or 2 ago, I started noticing that some messages sent using the email to SMS service can be significantly delayed. I’ve seen messages delayed up to (and possibly over) 24 hours, but more frequently, the delay is between 10 minutes to a couple hours (when it happens). I have an unlimited everything plan and I use the email to SMS service to send myself messages from automations on my Raspberry Pi. I pay through the nose for the service, so I figured using that just seemed like a no-brainer. I was not having any problem with this for years prior to a couple months ago. I always received messages within moments of sending the email. I waited awhile before reaching out to Sprint/T-Mobile with this (and other) issues so that I could rule out issues on my raspberry pi. When I finally got around to sitting down and debugging, I added timestamps to all my messages and over the past week or 2, I have been seeing the difference between my timestamps and the time I received the messages. I could of course work around this issue and use a different means of sending messages, but that’s ridiculous. I *pay* for this service. It should work and it should work promptly. The past 2 days I have spent frustrated hours interacting with sprint support to figure this out and all I hear are excuses and requests to do basic cure-all debugging steps that frankly make no sense. I have no delays of regular SMS messages, nor imessages. It’s restricted to email-to-sms messages, and that happens on their servers. And since I have no way of determining whether these steps have fixed the issue, since I cannot make it happen on demand, all I have asked them to do is look at my message logs over the past 15 days and compare the times they receive the emails with the times they are actually sent to my phone so I can conclusively confirm the issue. I got one upper tier tech to actually do it, via their messaging support, but I got disconnected while waiting to hear his results. I even got a message from him saying he had the results and was just reviewing them before sending me a synopsis! So frustrating! Interactions since then put me back at square one with useless debugging, despite my requests to either give me those results or do it again… My first cell service/phone back in the early 2000s was T-Mobile and back then, I recall the support being really great. With this new experience, I can no longer say the same.Solved4KViews0likes15CommentsHow to use via gmail? I am not getting Email to SMS on my phone, even though SMS to Email works
I’m trying to get SMS to Email to work so that I can get text messages for specific emails. I have successfully sent an email to myself through the SMS service and I can plainly see my address as the sender. When I reply to that email, I do not receive a text message. Can anyone help with this?7.4KViews0likes14CommentsE-mail to Text not working
I have a filter setup that takes certain messages I receive and forwards it to me via It has worked for years. Now it stopped. I can’t even send e-mails to the address. There are no errors. There are no messages that they are being blocked. They just aren’t being delivered. Even if I just send a test message to the e-mail address, nothing is received on my end. What is the deal? anyone else having issues with email to text?425Views0likes2Commentsemail to sms gateway spam filter issue with multiple domain
My domain is currently being blocked by the spam filters of, we utilize our domain to send out location update information for a field techs (all of who have tmobile business cell phones under our business plan) as well as our clients. All our techs and clients that are on the tmobile network stopped receiving email to sms notifications from our email address on Monday 9/4/23 at approx 8:42pm PST. Please send this to the SPAM administrator of to address. We called and got a ticket number, the next day (yesterday) for 1 hour 45 minutes we got flooded with messages and seemingly current notifications that were sent in real time. Then at 3:50 pm PST they stopped. I confirmed my email server has sent out more notifications to my tec (who all use my tmobile biz line phones to receive these) and they stopped getting them too. I even switched domain’s on my outbound email server and that worked for about 2 hours. Is this cloudflare that is just being too aggressive? Why have I gotten no more response or help on this. This is the 2nd post on this issue.Solved384Views0likes3Commentsemail to sms not working from and
Hello, My organization ocasionally uses email to SMS to send notifications to our customers. For the past few weeks our email-to-sms messages are not reaching clients. I have done testing on our side and the mail logs indicate that the email are sent to the tmobile server successfully without a block or a bounce back. but never reach the customer. This is leading me to believe that our domain may be getting filtered somewhere further down the line possibly? Please if someone from the Tmobile engineering department can take a look at this, and please let me know any information you may need to troubleshoot. Not sure what the correct avenue of contact is in this case, I was advised by phone support to post here. Please let me know. Thanks736Views0likes2Commentsemail to text
I often send emails as text messages to my own phone, especially when I am browsing the internet from a PC and want to send a particular link to my phone as a text so I can share it with others. Every time I send an email to my text using (example the text message comes to my phone from a 678-567-2643 phone number with the content where I am required to “Download”. When I click “Download” NOTHING happens, it just returns to the same thing “Download” No matter what the content of the email is the results are the same.2.6KViews0likes2Comments