76 ResultsMost relevantWhen I press 1 to accept nothing happensI get a call from a friend in PA state prison. There are many times the call comes through and when I hit 1 to accept the call nothing happens. It wont allow the call to come through. But then on s...Dialing 1 to my voicemail suddenly asking for password?As of this morning when I dial 1, instead of it telling me my voicemails it says "You have reached the voicemail system. If you have an account, press * then put in your 10 d...Change voicemail pin messageGot this text - on hold at T Mobile now. I made no such request. Your new Voice Mailbox PIN has been set to XXXX. For new users, access your voicemail with a long-press "1" on your keypad. If you d...SolvedView results from repliesHow to contact support via text or chat How do I contact support? I was having my “Free Trial” of home internet cancelled and they cancelled my primary line instead. It dropped the support call and immediately kicked me out out my accoun...SolvedView results from repliesSwitch2t-mobile Reimbursment My submission for reimbursement was received at T-Mobile on Sept 27, 2017. 8 weeks have come and gone and still no reimbursement. When I call the number it said that it is still processing. How ...SolvedView results from repliesVoicemail Is Not Connecting My voicemail is not activating for callers to leave a message. How can I fix this? SolvedView results from repliesMy mailbox is full and needs fixing? How do I fix my full mailbox, voicemail. SolvedView results from repliesRebateHow long does it take to receive a rebate after it is approved? My rebate for BOGO Samsung Galaxy S8 was approved on 2/7/18, and I was told I should receive it in 2 weeks. It is now g...SolvedView results from replieswhy do Securus calls not come through? I have lately been having problems receiving calls from a jail using Securus. I do not receive calls at all the call doesn't come though it won't even ring. The Securus account has funds and is able ...View results from repliesnew voice mail and it's asking me to setup voicemail I have a new voicemail but it’s asking me to setup voicemail again. Been setup and working for the last 20 years. I’m suspicious. What should I do? How do I contact t-mobile for help and not just...SolvedView results from replies