506 ResultsMost relevantMagenta passWhere do I find my magenta pass. I have spent 4 hours with tech support and 2 hours today at the store with no help. I am going to tmobile center in kcmo tomorrow with the grandkids. HelpSolvedView results from repliesCheck usage for international data passHow do you check the usage status for an International Data Pass (15GB - 30 Days)? SolvedView results from repliesSpouse passed awayI am on the Magenta 55 plan. My wife recently passed away and I no longer need her line. What plan can I move to that will only need one phone and will be cheaper than my $80 per month for two phones?SolvedView results from repliesinternational passIf I purchase international pass, should my roaming be on or off?SolvedView results from repliesInternational Pass 15 GB/30 Days...urchase the 30 day International Pass (15GB) plan. So, the questions that i have are: Once I activate the plan for 30 days, whenever I visit home, the data that I use at home would still be c...SolvedView results from repliesAlaska Cruise - International Roaming 10 Day Pass Elderly parents are on an Alaskan cruise currently with 10 day International Roaming plan per the rep’s recommendation. She told me that they would have data on the ship and Alaska and Canada with t...SolvedView results from repliesinternational pass?i will be on a cruise this fall starting in Barcelona Spain and then going to a few other countries> do I need an international pass? italy france? SolvedView results from repliesNow Pass Sign in IssueBeen trying to sign in for Now Pass. When it asks foe my phone # on I don’t have a tmobile # yet. CS not helpful. I’m need to switch carriors but if this much trouble already, maybe T mobile i...SolvedView results from repliesInternational Data Pass not working when re-purchasedI was traveling in Europe in October and purchased an international data pass. It worked well but I ran out of data toward the end of the trip. I purchased another 5 GB (or perhaps 15, I forget). I r...SolvedView results from repliesMLS SEASON PASSTmobile has removed the MLS season pass promotion for this year without replacing it with something of equal value. I switched to tmobile for the perks such as sport streaming. I will be cancelling m...View results from replies
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