23 ResultsMost relevantLG V60 Current security patch? Finding mixed info on what the latest security patch is for this phone. Both mine say May 1, 2023 and both claim current. I have quite a few apps that will install but not run. Wondering if I am actu...SolvedView results from repliesLG V60 WiFi Connection Failures on 5GHz BandLG V60 ThinQ frequently disconnects from 5GHz WiFi networks and will not reconnect or even see the network until I reboot the phone. No other devices experience this issue with my router / network. I...SolvedView results from repliesV60 ThinQ Dual Screen: Phone goes to mute while on speaker My husband and I both have these phones now and it's happening with both of them. Scenario: My phone is sitting on my desk (not in my hand), on speaker and I am having a conversation. Then...SolvedView results from repliesLG V60 upgrade to Android 13 failsDoes anyone know if T-Mobile has an update for the T-Mobile version of the LG-V6 ThinQ? LG stopped updating the V60 on December 31, 2023.LG V60 ThinQ screen or proximity sensor gone wonky and looking for solutions.MyMy wife’s LG V60 ThnkQ has either a screen proiblem or a faulty proximity=ty sensor. This manifests it’s self in this way. Numerous times during a a call her phone seems to drop the call. I c...LG V60 upgrade to Android 13 fails...nitial V60 boot screen Finally completes reboot to home page and a message that says ‘Couldn’t install system update’ - Tap to learn more Explanation simply says ‘Installation problem’ Does anyone h...Android 12 December 2022 security update for Thinq V60TMobile has only released the November security patch for Android 12 for LG Thinq v60 5G. Due to corporate security polciies, I can no longer use my device for corporate emails, until I upgrade to t...LG V60 won't chargeLG V60 won’t take a charge. Tried 3 different cables and 6 different plugs.LG V60 powering while charging...I just got an LG V60 (used). Everything on the phone works fine. The problem is that I turn the phone off every night. When i unplug the charging cable in the morning, the phone h...View results from repliesLG V60 MMS won't send on wifi Is it normal to have no APN selected? This is what is default when I enter the APN settings. Recently, I haven’t been able to send any MMS messages while connected to wifi, whether it is my ho...