21 ResultsMost relevantFamilyWhere Is ruining my life!!so im a 34 year old woman who has a spouse that constantly uses the FamilyWhere app to track my location. That alone is extremely annoying. But what’s worse is that it’s oftern not accurate and t...SolvedView results from repliesFamilywhere issues Up until last week I was able to locate my 5 family members (including myself) using this service. Now all 5 lines give are unable to show me the map location. Each line gives me the message "fam...SolvedView results from repliescancel familywhere plan canceling amilywhere plan SolvedView results from repliesFamilywhereMy familywhere won’t track on e of our phones, it shows up on our family members list, but whenever we try to locate it on the phone we get “*****’s phone isn’t responding, the phone might be off o...View results from repliesFamilyWhereIs there a way to stop notifyning someone when Ilook them up on FamilyWhere? I have FamilyWhere for my employees. I like to check in them throughout the day. I have 4 p...Familywhere location inaccuracyI’ve tried contacting T-Mobile about there gps inaccuracy on familywhere.. but was unsuccessful with fixing it. My issue is the gps is showing different locations even though we are all at h...View results from repliesFamilywhere Can you shut off the sharing notification after the first one? I see the options are everytime or every 30 days. Use of FamilyWhere for IPhone I’m unable to make family where display the other devices in my account. I have an Iphone. Why? Samsung Galaxy phones & TMobile FamilyWhereWe have contacted TMobile multiple times. FamilyWhere does not give an accurate location with Samsung Galaxy S32or S21 phones. Anyone know how to fix this? With 2 teen age b...View results from replieswhy cant we set our own hours for Familywhere? Family Where is nice in theory but I need to restrict my teens from staying up all night and 11pm to 6am is too early to start. 2am to 6am would cover even a late night drive home but not encourage w...