176 ResultsMost relevantUsing Phone in EuropeLast summer our phone would not connect to the internet in England, Scotland or Ireland. AT&T phones worked great. The phone has always connected during previous European trips. What do I need t...SolvedView results from repliesT-Mobile Prepaid esim APP - payment from EuropeHi I would like to buy a prepaid eSIM card for my travel to the US, but I am living in Europe (Czech Republic) and when I get to the payment step in the mobile app and enter my credit card number, i...SolvedView results from repliesList of Tmobile partners in Europe Does anyone know where I can find a list of T-Mobile partners for reach country? I ask because I will be on a cruise line that has its own tower, and I plan to do manual connections to the correct T...View results from repliesMoving from Europe to USAI am soon coming to the USA, to California, on a student visa (from Europe) and I am looking into buying a T-Mobile sim card but maybe also a new phone. I saw there are deals for $35 a m...SolvedView results from repliesGoing to EuropeI am going to Europe for couple of years. I would like to keep my US number as I use it for business also. In the store they told me that if I was outside the US (phone not connected t...View results from repliesneeded unlocked sim in montenegro europeHi guys I got my iphone from cousin and I am in Montengro for thouse who do not know it is a country in Europe. I see that Iphone is sim locked probably to t mobile. How can I use it here . It does n...SolvedView results from repliesSimple Choice North America and Europe Vacation...y initial plan had been to buy the $50 International Data Pass for 30 days, so I can use my phone there and not need to swap out a European Sim. (My phone is an S10 and doesn’t support eSim.) Then, I s...View results from replieseurope cellular data service not workingI have a Samsung Galaxy S21 running latest version Android. I was told by T Mobile that my US cellular plan provided free unlimited data and texting, but neither is working correctly in Europe....View results from repliesMobile Hotspot in Europe Does anyone know if I can use my Galaxy 24 as a mobile hotspot in Switzerland and Italy? Europe Travelling to Italy, France, Spain and Portugal this autumn. I have 55+ plan. Do I need yo do something in particular to have phone and data up and running there?