175 ResultsMost relevantPhone not eligible for transfer??...eset to ensure it’s accurate). I have called and been in store and no solution. However when I check my phone number eligibility to transfer to to mobile on line it tells me it can not be transferred? W...SolvedView results from repliesOffer eligibilityHow can I tellif I am eligible for an offer? Thx, HarperSolvedView results from repliesdevices not eligible So I baught a Samsung S22 Ultra on amazon. And my sister send it to me out here in the Pacific. But the problem is that the phone is still locked with its carrier. I am not sure if its paid off or...SolvedView results from repliesHome Internet not eligible for Emergency Broadband BenefitSo I went through the application process and got approved but now T-mobile is telling me that my home internet is not eligible for the benefit. What gives? Why have it on the page advertising it i...SolvedView results from repliesTMobile Tuesdays Eligibility...er line. So as soon as one of us redeems the offer, then the other tries to redeem their own code it says the offer was already used. However, the eligibility rules on their site states it’s per l...View results from repliesEligibility problems with keep and switch promotion time frame So, I have had a couple problem lately. We just came over from Verizon and I’m starting to regret it. First my son’s line when we changed the sim card to T-Mobile stopped working, he can’t make cal...SolvedView results from repliesUpgrade and Phone Number EligibilityI was looking to upgrade some of the families phones and it looks like now you have to see if your actual phone number is eligible for upgrade? WTH is that about? I thought it was a...First Responder EligibilityI am the subscriber to the plan with a line for myself, my husband and our 4 kids. My husband is a retired police officer. Are we eligible to receive the first responder plan and if so what kind of d...Want to transfer ownership leased phones eligible for upgradeHello, I am looking to transfer ownership of some of my lines to somebody else, two of these lines has Jump on Demand phones with two payments lefts that are eligible for upgrade already. My q...SolvedView results from repliesEnforce Home Internet Eligibility https://tmo.report/2024/04/uh-oh-t-mobile-will-now-enforce-home-internet-address-eligibility/ So from what I can see here and read elsewhere, this will help current customer that signed up t...
Device Unlock T-Mobile devices come locked to our network. Here is a space to talk about unlock eligibility and processes.431 Posts
Device Unlock T-Mobile devices come locked to our network. Here is a space to talk about unlock eligibility and processes.431 Posts