59 ResultsMost relevantDo back glass cracks disqualifies for trade-in at T-Mobile?Unless I’m reading it wrong or interpreting T-Mobile’s document wrong, I don’t think the trade-in policy disqualifies back glass crack. I’m talking about this T-Mobile support document https://w...SolvedView results from repliesCan I upgrade my device through JUMP if the screen is cracked?So I had been thinking of upgrading my Galaxy S7 to a newer device, but I recently dropped it and the screen cracked a little from one of the corners. I'm fully aware that in order to fix it I have t...SolvedView results from repliescracked camera lensthe lens to my galaxy s9 camera lens is cracked. is this something that is covered on my warranty. Do i need to file a claim or is this something that can be repaired at a tmobile s...Samsung Z Flip 3 Screen Protector CracksHello, I bought this phone in September of 2021. In February of 2022, I noticed horizontal cracks appearing along the fold. I took it into a branch, they said it was defective and I needed to take i...View results from repliesWill T-mobile accept a phone for trade-in with a cracked back glass?My wife and I are trying to take advantage of the promotional phone trade-in offer to upgrade our paid off phones to a newer phone. One of the phones has a cracked back glass, a Samsung Note 10+. T...syncup original crack warrantyour 9 year old son dropped the original sync watch yesterday and the screen cracked. The watch will not turn on. tmobile store said they wouldn’t replace it or contribute money to replacing it. T...Phone crackedSo not that long ago, slowly by slowly my phone has been cracking.Its been slightly been run over by cars and it still managed to work.Now the other damages came from me and my niece after being d...cracked phone screen why is it such a run-around with Assurant??? Cracked Back Glass 2021 Trade-InIt looks like most of the “crack back glass” trade in questions are not new, so I wanted to see if there was any updated guidance on whether T-Mobile will accept a phone that has cracked/s...ice cracked my screenHas anyone had this happen? I was crushing ice last night, and some fell on my phone (already crushed fine, like sno-cone ice). Not much, just a little, and it made my screen crack! I am B...View results from replies
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