Forum Discussion
Tmobile agents tricked me into buying lines and instead of phones sent me sim cards
My email address is . Email me and I will send screen shots of proof
- MissNetwork Novice
I had just tried to start a question or send something out into the community. However there is a huge problem within the industry discriminating against SINGLE people who want just a SINGLE line without being fleeced. We have the same expenses, taxed at higher rates and it’s insane
- Justice2023Roaming Rookie
It’s not to prove anything with T-Mobile it’s to prove that the company that you and I both use are lying to there customers. If your not interested then don’t reply
- fireguy_6364Modem Master
no one in here is going to email you just so we can see amount of proof is going to help in here because this is a peer to peer assistance one in here can do anything with it..
- Justice2023Roaming Rookie
Email me directly and I will show you the screenshots
- fireguy_6364Modem Master
might seem odd but a companies inquiry into lost or stolen products doesnt get pushed down to the customer to be included..even if they did have the info none of it would be told to you..
from the sound of it it sounds like they did one of the buy one device get the second one free over 2 years of credits.
i recommend contacting them yet again but not by call..bypass that tier 1 support and go right to tier 2 via FB/Twitter.
- Justice2023Roaming Rookie
I started off as a customer of boost mobile. I was a pretty ideal customer if I don’t say so myself. Always paid on time etc I was moved to metro by T-Mobile after about 5 years and then spent about two years on metro before moving to the main T-Mobile carrier for the same reasons. I think we all can remember the T-Mobile from back then. The commercials etc were very exciting and it kind of seemed like the place you wanted to be. First off I have been with T-Mobile proper for 3 years. When I first signed up for service I had ordered an iPhone and was to receive a free watch with their promotion. I should have known then something different here at T-Mobile proper. The watch was never sent or received by me. I tried for a good month but they did t really seem to care. Then about 2 and a half years later I noticed I had been being charged that entire time for the watch line. There was one more incident before then but this is what really showed their true colors. After their “investigation “ they admitted to the mistake and offered me $50 credit. I declined and said absolutely not. Why would they admit they were wrong and then offer me $50 when over $200 had been spent? I asked for an escalated investigation and they claimed a tiny tiny fraction of a spec of service had been used by something so instead of $280 they credited me $250. This did not go without multiple calls with me being the only one reaching out. Back to the first incident. At the beginning of 2022 I saw a couple messages from assurrant asking me to return my device . I really didn’t know who assurant was but I chalked it up to spam. Then suddenly one day my phone will not work to call an Uber for work. I keep trying and trying and finally I just dial 611. T-Mobile informs me that I did not return my broken device into assurant their insurance company. Mind you my phone was not broken and I did not make a claim. I look through my emails and someone had hacked my T-Mobile account, made a claim on my phone, charged my card on file for the fee for a new phone, and sent themselves a replacement phone to somewhere up in nyc. It took me 4 days to get them to believe me that that wasn’t me and to turn my phone back on and etc. I’m not quite sure if I actually got that $250 back but more on assurant later. I myself did break my phone and request a replacement in I believe may or June of 2023. Everything was fine until sept 4th. This is were it gets real ugly, dark and it felt really personal. I get a notice that I had not returned my old phone and that I am not responsible for a $575 fee. Anything and everything I mention can be verified through screenshot. If you want to reach out I would be happy to send to confirm it’s true. And by the way use the chat service . And take screen shots of important resolutions and promises made. They will lie and they are good at it. Have proof. From sept 4th to October tenth my account was frozen. I was assured T-Mobile was hard at work trying to resolve etc. I couldn’t upgrade my account or participate in any of the me iPhone deals etc. I literally called every single day to assurrant, T-Mobile , and ups trying to find this damn phone. Assurrant had admitted in a very way call with T-Mobile it was scanned in but they couldn’t find and needed to do an investigation that would take up to 14 days. Even though they said that I still kept calling them all everyday. It just didn’t feel right. If it had been scanned in and T-Mobile heard them say that how is this my problem any longer? Cut to Oct 8th. I had been put on a payment plan and my service was scheduled to be disconnected on Oct 11th. Never was late on any payment before this yet they refused to take this charge off. After multiple lies of what they are doing to investigate and promises of a resolution I call in and do another 3 way call with assurant. I ask for the manager . The manager of assurant then informs me while T-Mobile is on the line as well that there never was a investigation and the charge for the non return fee is valid and they are not removing it. So me and T-Mobile had been calling asking about assurant investigation for weeks and they said they are still investigating and we would have to call back. More on assurant a little later. I was pissed!!! My phone was about to be disconnected for no fault of my own and nothing was being done. Mind you T-Mobile had done many “investigations as well. I snapped and started leaving messages all over social media until they realized I was not playing and corrected every single thing I demanded. I got that charge removed, sept, Oct phone bills paid, a new iPhone 15 pro sent to me paid off, and a credit of $600. I have to tell you it felt amazing to stand up to them and win! They just can’t do this to people. I made a post here in the forums about it. I didn’t even want to be at T-Mobile anymore and I wanted to sell the phone etc and leave the company. I was assured better days in the future. I have to admit I was eyeing every mistake T-Mobile made small or big from then on. I did not let anything slide. I felt like a Karen but I did not care. They showed there true colors. I didn’t mention in the end not only had assurant not done a single investigation either did T-Mobile. Not a single one they could verify. Other company. In October I get notice from ebay someone hacked my account and was using my credit cards etc. One of the hackers actually charged my card while I was on the phone with Wells Fargo. Literally. Hackers are very good by the way. Some how they got it where I looked up eBay customer support number on google ithe call went straight to them. No kidding. A guy answered and you could just tell that it was not a customer service person and they knew my infor and my address from ten years ago and were trying to get info out of me. Warning for real! Anyway I got all my money back and then I thought of when my phone was hacked in 2022: Maybe it could be the same person? I call T-Mobile , and assurant and ask where that phone was sent and any info on who hacked my phone. Assurant literally said you are asking a year later? I said yes. They said why did t you report it then? I said because you are the insurance company lol? Don’t you guys investigate fraud etc? Like what? T-Mobile played the same game. I did everything from officially requesting the information on their investigations or suing etc. They did not budge and pretended to investigate their investigation. You know that drill already. They truly seemed uninterested in helping me try to catch this person. Of course you can only take so much so I snap again. Do you know why they didn’t want to provide me the information of their investigations? With my account info, my card infor, my everything is in my phone. Because neither company did an investigation to find who did it at the time. I honestly thought if the found them or needed me they would call me. Again neither T-Mobile or their insurance company thought to try to find out who hacked my phone and used my card information etc. also I didn’t even know who assurant was yet they had access to my card info? Who gave them that permission? I had enough. I left for Verizon and told both companies where they could go. Until the end of November even though all my devices were 99% free with their promos and trade ins . They would not budge on just letting me go without a problem. I forgot to mention that assurant found that phone. And neither they nor T-Mobile called and let me know. An agent let it slip. And I pressed until he finally said it again. They didn’t even think I had the right to be informed they found the phone after all of that. So they hand me a final bill for $1600. Took away every credit and charged me full price. Even the things marketed as free. I know it’s their right but can’t they just see when wrong is wrong? So I had to go back to avoid the charge. Promises of new beginnings gave me no comfort. Dec 18th after an agent reached out to me to let me know my request to double my equipment limit was approved for the two lines I wanted to open for the Free iPhone on the 5gnext plan with new lines. Awesome!!! They got everything set up and it was cool. Except when I received the phones they weren’t phones. They were SIM cards. Then I got a message from T-Mobile stating my request was denied for the limit raise. That agent literally knew it hadn’t been doubled but tricked me into buying those lines . Not only that but also pretended to send me phones. I snapped again!! Until Dec 30th someone at T-Mobile finally realized not only how terrible that was to do and I could prove it. But also those were for my nephews. Like what? They upgraded the phones to iPhone 15 pro max 512 gb! Free on them! Ok whatever, I get my phone bill Jan 3rd . There is a charge for the phones on my bill in the amount of $1965 with a total bill of $2300. They even had the balls to use my credit on my account they provided for earlier problems to trade ins mentioned before to go towards those phone charges. Snapped is an understatement. I went off. Yet they promised it would get taken care of, then Jan 5th comes. Oh but the best part of the phones they “paid” for they did this. They literally took the charges of one iPhone all the way down to $200 left to pay and put the rest of the $1200 on my bill. They had that phone set to receive monthly credit of $34 whatever for 24 months for a phone with a balance of $200. Same with the other phone. Instead of using as much on the credit they could they put the rest on my bill. Does this seem personal? I think so as well. Back to the 5th. I received literally 50 messages back to back to back hat my phones had been delivered on the 4th. Not exaggerating the number of texts I received on the 5th about my 4th delivery. Call again! And I swear to whoever is reading I was promised this will all be handled within twenty four hours. We are hard at work on the investigation etc from Jan 5th till today. Yet I am calling and messaging minimum 5 hours a day every day from the 5th to today. I find out that not only did they not file a ticket until the 10th of January. They assured me the investigation was literally in the works and not to worry but also that they had already filed tickets. They let me call for 5 days straight before making any kind of effort to help. Then I here those magic words. We are going to freeze your account until our investigation is over. I literally have never felt so much anxiety. Meanwhile they are assuring me that they are investigating ups and blah blah blah. I call ups today about a different delivery from Amazon snapping and then I wanted to let them know they just screwed up that T-Mobile order. Then I found out the truth. From Jan 5th to today the 16th. T-Mobile not one time had reached out to ups and let them know there was a problem with my delivery. They had no idea. Are you kidding me? What were they investigating? T-Mobile encouraged not only not to file a report with ups but to let them handle it. I’m not joking. Everything I am saying can and will be verified by request. Today after I let them know I knew and what my plans are not which is to post everywhere on social media and tell my story. One of the supervisors literally had the balls to ask me why I didn’t check the address on the delivery. Can you believe that? No sense or sympathy for what they had done to me all this time, my nephews who had been promised and waiting on those phones since Christmas or why I would be so upset. No sense of any feeling of guilt or sympathy .completely robotic in every one of these situations. They literally sent the fake phone SIM card the week before to the correct address. I’m writing these message boards to warn people when you get that feeling that you are being lied to and something is not right that sometimes that’s exactly what is happening. Listen to your inner judgement when something doesn’t feel right. Take screen shots. Post your stories as many places you have to until they understand this behavior was not only morally wrong but T-Mobile showing they did not have a care in the world to even call the delivery company they hired to help my and my nephews get their phones. For 12 days nothing was done. Not one single thing. I posted a message earlier and a T-Mobile immediately called. They didn’t post the message but they finally offered me new phones etc. they hung up on me and haven’t heard anything since. My message is still not posted but I am not going to stop until I get the results you, me and every other person deserves when they try to cover up their own mistakes and wrongdoings with more lies and deceit. Please share this story and put an end of this behavior. Reply with any requests for the proof screen shots and I will send. Be aware. The darkness always comes to light and unfortunately it can be your very own friendly cellphone provider that is the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Pay attention to everything!
- Justice2023Roaming Rookie
I have tried numerous times and I do mean numerous times to contact T-Mobile to get these issues resolved. They keep changing the window of time they have to resolve these issue. The agents contacted me to let me know that my request was approved to have my equipment limit doubled and I can take advantage of the free phone on the next plans to gift to my nephews. They set up the two lines and pretended to send me phones. I instead received SIM cards for each new line lol. Then I get a message from T-Mobile saying my equipment limit request was denied. It’s obvious their agents tricked me into buying these extra lines. Then they decided to finally send me phones on the 30th. They agreed these phones were completely taken care of by them to resolve the actions of the previous agent. They not only sent the phones to the incorrect address from my account. They put the bill for those phones on my account. And did so in a way that was completely and obviously meant for T-Mobile to pay the least amount. The phones price was put into a monthly promo to make them free. They took the price of the phones all the way down to $200 and put it on the monthly promo credit of $44 for 2 years and put the remaining balance on my bill. They purposely took all the rest off and put in my bill and they have had three weeks to do something and haven’t. They haven’t even called ups yet in 3 weeks to find out what could have happened to the phones. I called ups and they didn’t even have a report from T-Mobile.
- fireguy_6364Modem Master
mind explaining what exactly you were trying to do originally? you were tricked into buying lines and they sent you sim cards?
if you need someone that can actually help you’ll need to contact TMO either by calling in (tier 1 support) or through either Facebook or Twitter (tier 2 support)..for what its worth this is pretty much a peer to peer assistance site and fully public..which is why one shouldnt be posting personal info like email address, phone numbers, account info etc..everyone and their mom now have it.
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