Forum Discussion

rebop24's avatar
Transmission Trainee
7 months ago

NEVER a notification from Scam Shield

Nop matter that I set ALL notifications in the Scam Shield app AND all notifications FOR the Scam Shield in Settings/Notifications/Scam Shield in my iPhone. I NEVER get any notification and the only way I can tell anything has been blocked is to view activity in the app.

Am I doing something worng?

Is this a known issue?

Seems a good bit of functionality is lacking if this is how it is. Its one of the few things AT&T seems to have done better.



  • gramps28's avatar
    Router Royalty
    rebop24 wrote:

    Wow. Are these forums not a good source for T-mobile help?

    This is basically a user to user forum with some Tmobile moderation.

    I have scam sheiled on my phone but it's not active, I use the Google spam app and I get very little spam, calls or text and I do get notifications.

  • rebop24's avatar
    Transmission Trainee

    Wow. Are these forums not a good source for T-mobile help?