Forum Discussion

VodouPriest's avatar
Transmission Trainee
3 years ago

T-Mobile I am Dissapointed, maybe internet is not your strong suite?

I personally believe T-Mobile is not right for internet purposes at all… I had a T-Mobile modem for 6 maybe more months and I have had zero internet in the day and internet at midnight till early morning… 11pm - 5am and then it cuts me off completely… I ended up switching to Mediacom and I am now getting average of 200-350mbps Down on Speedtest and 65mbps upload. I roughly get a 18GB download done in 5 minutes @ 50-60mb/s Downloading. Glad I switched and stopped paying into a money scheme, because T-Mobile support do not truly care, they do not care at all… Stick to mobile devices, because internet is not your thing. 😉


IF anybody can vouch for T-Mobile’ it’s probably because, you’re so close to a tower that is literally the only way you’ll gain any internet. You literally have to be 10 feet from a tower just to get anything. lolz


Anyone get 50-60mb/s Download speeds with T-Mobile? I am literally paying the same price as T-Mobile charges for their internet…

  • VodouPriest's avatar
    Transmission Trainee
    henry51 wrote:

    Hi @VodouPriest 

    What do you mean?

    In what cities/towns does Mediacom have a presence? I’ve checked the mediacom website and it doesn’t seem to be available where I live.  At the same time I’m having difficulty figuring out where it is available.  Obviously, even if mediacom has better speeds at a lower price than MTO HI, if it’s not avalable in my market it’s not an alternative.

    Normally you would go-to the site and enter your address they will tell you if they support your area. The Person who stated the areas doesn’t state my location, so I would resort to their site and if it doesn’t support your location go to Cox. It’s better than Mediacom.

  • Captzoomie's avatar
    Network Novice

    Availability per MediaCom’s website:

        Huntsville, AL
        Mobile, AL
        San Tan Valley, AZ
        Milton, FL
        Panama City, FL
        Pensacola, FL
        Albany, GA
        Columbus, GA
        Valdosta, GA
        Cedar Rapids, IA
        Davenport, IA
        Des Moines, IA
        Dubuque, IA
        Iowa City, IA
        Waterloo, IA
        Duluth, MN
        Columbia, MO
        Jefferson City, MO
        Joplin, MO
        Springfield, MO

    They have an interactive map. Not available in my area.

  • Hi @VodouPriest 

    What do you mean?

    In what cities/towns does Mediacom have a presence? I’ve checked the mediacom website and it doesn’t seem to be available where I live.  At the same time I’m having difficulty figuring out where it is available.  Obviously, even if mediacom has better speeds at a lower price than MTO HI, if it’s not avalable in my market it’s not an alternative.

  • VodouPriest's avatar
    Transmission Trainee
    henry51 wrote:

    Hi @VodouPriest 

    In what markets does Mediacom operate?

    What do you mean? Also here is a update on my connection. I receive average now 900mbps with ethernet connected. Wifi is 300mbps -400mbps. This is the fastest speed I’ve ever had.


    IF you want to know if they support you, go to their site and check :)


  • VodouPriest's avatar
    Transmission Trainee

    Current Down stream This is at night. (Mediacom) Same price as 5G T-Mobile Trashcan.


  • VodouPriest's avatar
    Transmission Trainee
    copz1998 wrote:

    I have had T-Mobile Home Internet for 5 months. I just did a speed test; 83Mbps down and 33 Mbps up at 4:30 pm. My house has for people, stream on 4-5 devices, and enjoy the experience. I will say it did the a little work, but I'm not complaining for $50 per month. All good on my end. 

    I highly suggest Mediacom or if you’re in a area where you can get Cox, I suggest them too, however I pay literally a month $54 for 1Gbps. That’s with the eero wifi device and modem. :P


  • copz1998's avatar
    Connection Curator

    I have had T-Mobile Home Internet for 5 months. I just did a speed test; 83Mbps down and 33 Mbps up at 4:30 pm. My house has for people, stream on 4-5 devices, and enjoy the experience. I will say it did the a little work, but I'm not complaining for $50 per month. All good on my end.