Forum Discussion

Sneaky's avatar
Network Novice
3 years ago

T-Mobile Home Internet.

I specifically got this gateway for my PlayStation and use with internet/zoom for myself aside from what my roommates share. I was told I would have speeds of 50Mbps-150Mbps. Not once have I had 5-bar signal strength. Why? Also cannot change NAT type and the gateway does not support IP packet fragmentation. Is there other gateways or routers available that work with the gateway? What am I doing wrong? Pretty frustrating when your paying for a  service choppy connection speed and incomplete signal strength..

  • litewavve's avatar
    Transmission Trainee

    If you get 4 bars, you should be getting very strong signals. 50-150 mbps should not be a problem. What are the best and worst cases for your speed test results?