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T-mobile 5g home internet forcing to tower with no data issues/changing towers/bands
switching towers/bands --Hello I just got my 5g router in the mail 2 days ago the first day was a complete bust i had 3 bars but the connection was horrible/non existent so i tried did some research and used the app looking for the best signals and everything moving this thing all over for hours-still 3 bars and i would think thats enough I literally could not even get it to load speedtest before or a webpage hardly no connecting to anything basically when its on this band/tower not even the web user interface it also only has a primary connection and no secondary the primary is b71 and the secondary is not connected. then i just left it alone and randomly tried it and it only had 2 bars this time-weak according to the app but it actually loaded a webpage then i managed to get 50mbps on a speedtest and watch some youtube on 4k! i was feeling good i looked at the web interface and noticed i was not on the same band anymore and the primary b66 and secondary n71 bands and then bam it switched back to the b71 with no secondary connection and basically no data connection at all-witch i found out is a different tower than the one with b66 and n71. so i noticed it seems to kick me off this tower almost all day i have no connection because its connecting to this other tower that doesnt seem to even work this is very consistent everything like steam/xbox live/speedtest or anything else disconnects as soon as this switch happens i really dont want to call support and i thinks its crappy that you can sign up with this through a chat box but you cant get support through the chat kind of ridiculous also the tower with the b71 also has 5g on it but im not connecting to it. so it seems like there forcing me on a tower with no data connection all day long then around 10 pm it works decent all night so far im not sure this is something you could consider a home internet solution maybe the tower is being worked on or something i really dont know im sure i will have to call at some point because i need internet during the day too lol. im in central wisconsin sorry for the long post just needed to put this out there! and maybe someone knows something…
- ItsMeSBNetwork Novice
I don’t know if this is relevant, but it may help someone else who has made the same mistake and is having issues with 5g connections. Recently I called customer support to troubleshoot my crappy connection which kept intermittently dropping needing reset of silver Nokia unit and they chose to send me a “replacement”. When I set up the new one, I relocated it about 4’ from the old spot (just on the other side of the window where it had sat iin the past with the same issues) and again, it had the same connection problems. Using the nearest outlet, the huge plug was very visible so I used a flat-type connector 3’ extension cord and dropped the cords behind the table. The old unit was also connected to this same extension cord.
So my signal didn’t change. After rebooting, it would connect to both bands for a few seconds then go strictly to the B41 band (i think that’s the one). Frustrating... I don’t know what triggered the memory, but I recalled reading somewhere that connecting things to extension cords could cause issues like overheating, so I removed the cord, plugged the unit directly into the wall and I’ve had solid continuous dual band connection with 125-150mbps for the last 2 days (25mbps max prior). So for some reason beyond my limited understanding of these things, the cord was interfering with the 5g signal and probably messing with the other band as well. I suppose it could be cooincidence and it was the new unit that helped stabilize the signals, but I think it was the extension cord.
Hope this makes sense and is useful to anyone having issues that may also be using an extension cord.
- WhiteDolfinRoaming Rookie
I'm posting this for people who are recently looking at this thread.
The old silver Nokia "gateway" cylinder is junk - most are the chips used were NOT really to spec and succumb to heat sooner or later. (I went thru 4 of these in 2 years, before T-Mo switched to the black Arcadyan gateways. (These have their own unique problem of frequently losing their 5G connection!)
Long-story-short, I have been with T-Mo Home Internet for over 3 years - I had 1 year of good service. I may be switching to a new provider in 5 days, due to continued awful, inconsistent data speeds (10-50 Mbps) with T-Mo. I'm on my 3rd black Arcadyan gateway - they all eventually lose the 5G connection, and I'm only 300ft. from one 5G tower and less than 1/4 mile away from another! What an irritating, frustrating shame!!
- ml201Transmission Trainee
I have the same issues - worked fine for a few months this year, but the last 2 months have been horrible (new Nokia 5G gateway) also my phones when in 5G will lose connectivity as well (its not the box). Everyone should file an FCC Complaint. Here is the URL:
- fortyb4five1Newbie Caller
okay so since moving my gateway to the highest spot i could place it in my home and setting a floor fan blowing right at it. I havnt had it drop in over 2 hours now. The silver 5g gateway seems super finicky to where you face it. You can cut your connection in half just by turning the gateway 10 degrees an either direction...i never had this problem with that old white rectangular gateway
- fortyb4five1Newbie Caller
My silver trashcan has strarted doing this within the last 4 days. Before that it was fine..speeds werent great at all but at least it was consistent. My gateway is losing connection with the b12 tower every 20 minutes..sometiems connects to b71 but it soon drops from that. Tmobile support says there is nothing wrong with my connection tho? This is such a joke im tempted to cancel and send them back their “300 dollar” gateway in pieces. I put a large fan by it to keep it cool ill update my post if i stop experiencing problems because it does get rathe hot..not so hot that i couldnt hold my hand on it obviously but it feels like the air coming from my pcs cpu
- itskrudeRoaming Rookie
It’s depressing to see someone make a post a year ago, for the exact same problem I currently have
- jacksoncampbellNewbie Caller
djb14336 wrote:
Cell phones get top priority once utilization reaches a certain threshold. Don't know what that level is exactly, but home internet packets will get heavily queued when it happens (you can see the jitter factors go through the roof when it kicks in). If it holds them long enough you risk timeouts depending on the application's tolerance for delayed packets.
Thus, the <usual> culprit is the congestion level. Not necessarily for the wireless, but it can also be on the back haul as well. A single tower can host multiple bands at the same location, all feeding into the same upstream pipeline. Which can lead to a massive chokepoint under high utilization.
As a result, lately TMO seems to be wrangling with a capacity issue more so than coverage.
Definitely both. They manage to not only get dead spots in rural/semi-rural ears and major highways, but even in the middle of the city they have random spots with bars but no service. Usually those areas your phone is observably switching between LTE/5G and different frequencies, often without being able to do more than slowly load a webpage. Even urban areas near Bellevue headquarters have issues.
- ZinkorswmNewbie Caller
5G signal has been in & out off & on 50-60 times a day over in Pace FL. Both the phone & tower for wifi go out. I was rebooting every 5-10 minutes on the phone, but gave up on the wifi. Customer support was sympathetic, but mostly useless 😕 The one good piece of advise, actually very helpful was to just go in & out of airplane mode. It was vastly quicker to reconnect to T-Mobile this way.
Tech support said they were not showing any problems with the tower my phone was connected through. My response, Yeah, right now it's fine, that's how I'm able to talk to you tech superstar Clair! You need to check the tower history not a snapshot. Sprint customers got shafted! T-mobile's sim card was not compatible with my Sprint purchased Galaxy 8 +, forcing me to by another phone that was built for T-Mobile service. I just couldn't get myself to spend over another $1100 for the Samsung I wanted. Paid about $285 cash on the Motorola Ace 5G. No contract no commitment.
T-Mobile undeniably has the best service price, but customer service is really just lip service now! I am giving them another week to fix this or I'm just going to have to pay someone else for these services that can work.
Facts: Speed test for T-Mobile on phone & wifi from April through July 180-410mbs download, 12-110mbs upload. These speeds are still consistent when I'm able to connect to service.
Sorry, I was kinda rambling while waiting for Tower to give me signal again 🥺😉😂🤣
- Not_MyfaultNewbie Caller
I wonder if anyone from T-Mobile actually reads these...they would instantly know that they have a problem that needs to be fixed asap otherwise they are basically cheating their customers. They should not even be charging customers until the service is satisfactory in line with their promises as well as customer expectations.
- blue240sx44Transmission Trainee
This has by far been the worst service i have ever had in my life and T-MOBILE in general is horrible to do business with ---to cancel and return my device i went to the t-mobile store thinking i could do it all at once NOPE i pretty much got yelled at to leave the store that they only sell plans there ---another store employee at least noticed how rude the lady was and talked to me and gave me a phone number to call ---this is insane if you ask me ---keep in mind i got this plan and device through the chat….that offers 0 support and i cant log in and even on the phone they want a phone number that does not exist anymore i wonder how much money t-mobile is stealing from people who have not noticed there being charged after canceling----this company really should not be aloud to do business at all
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