Forum Discussion
No internet during the Morning or Afternoon. Only ater 4:00 pm.
Home internet is not even usable during the day and I have 4 bars and reset the modem. Nothing loads and I'm connected. It's has speeds of 2g. But at 4:00 pm. I get service. This is not what I expected with T mobile. If I call they say they are working on the lines. Do they throttle internet service. I can't even put my phone on wifi. I would never get any calls.
- ArimatthewdavieNetwork Novice
I also signed up for T-Mobile home internet gate. It was good for my first couple of weeks nice and fast cheaper and faster than my cable company.
But after I had the service for about a month
I started to have outages in the morning or I had little to no internet.
My job absolutely depends on having internet I'm home worker so I had to get rid of T-Mobile and go back to the other company
- MontegoNetwork Novice
I recently switched to T-Mobile one week ago. During the morning hours, I get no to very little cellular service. I signed up for the Wi-Fi gateway from T-Mobile and I had the same issues in the morning. It's very frustrating when you wake up in the morning, and your phone isn't working and you don't know whether any emergencies have happened throughout the evening. I wish I could go back to Metro buy T-Mobile. I never had any issues with them. It is not a matter of the cell phone as I received new cell phones that didn't work, swapped them out for different cell phones and still have the same problem T-Mobile claims they haven't heard of this issue. Seems it's happening to other people.
- ArimatthewdavieNetwork Novice
I don't understand what it is but it is sometimes from 8:45 till about 10:00 and things just won't work I don't even get enough internet to check an email much less go to work.
When it clears up I get speeds 200 MB with 25 upload.
Most of the day all night. But when I need it most which is in the morning to log into my job and to crank up the banking.
I can't even punch into my time card.
I had to get another service today.
I understand internet slowdowns but I can't have dead stops.
- fireguy_6364Modem Master
sounds like a capacity issue but usually those would stay around until the days rush goes down.. are you near any highways or heavier traffic areas when it comes to people?
- ArimatthewdavieNetwork Novice
This happens to me but I'm in Georgia and it happens around 8:45 and 10:00 in the morning.
T-Mobile bandwidth drops to zero no upload no download.
When I called in to ask if there was a problem they tell me there's no reported issues in your area and set with me on the phone an hour and a half trying to troubleshoot my phone and my internet Tower.
This is the fourth time that it happened to me in less than a month not being able to login to go to work because I didn't have any internet.
And no answer or resolution from T-Mobile.
What can I say I absolutely have to be able to log into my job in the morning and go to work I had to get a new service!
- 007BondMI6Bandwidth Buddy
Fish wrote:
Home internet is not even usable during the day and I have 4 bars and reset the modem. Nothing loads and I'm connected. It's has speeds of 2g. But at 4:00 pm. I get service. This is not what I expected with T mobile. If I call they say they are working on the lines. Do they throttle internet service. I can't even put my phone on wifi. I would never get any calls.
Bars mean nothing what matters is the signal quality.
Phone app is a bit limited go to on your computer web browser.
First page expand Primary and secondary internet connection signal all that info is needed screen shot ok too.
Then on the left click Status and again expand Primary and secondary cellular network again all that data or screenshot.
Again need
For both primary and secondary.
And Band for both.
With this info we can help you.
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